So this is what I got paid to do today

Took an extra long lunch break today and went fishing behind the laser light show at Darien Lake. Some MONSTER bass and carp in there. This one was decent sized…laid into one that was so big I had to set my drag to the hardest setting becuase it almost took out all my line then it snapped the line. Saw it jump and the thing was like twice the size of the one in the pic. Went fishing again after work and got a bunch more.

You might be a redneck if…

Does it matter that we smoked a bowl before we did it? lol. Made things ALOT more interesting lol.


You might be white trash if…


It was only my second time doin it. My heart was pounding so hard I felt like I was going to have a heart attack…dunno if it was a reaction or what. Alls I know is it makes fishing alot more fun lol.

Model employee and citizen :tup:

we didnt smoke till after we got done with work. Model citizen? I’ve donated more of my time to helping my community in the past year than you have in your entire life.

alls = almost as bad as yous

fail /thread:sword:

Yeah but I dont do drugs at my place of employment…let alone anywhere.

I always wanted to go fishing at Darien Lake when I was younger due to all the huge carp and bass. Did you actually fish in the park or is that outside of it? Are you allowed to fish their or do you work their or something?
Nice catch

you’re allowed to fish there if youre camping. I work there as a plumber in maintanence and I have keys to almost all the restricted areas so I can get in to the good spots lol.

your heart was pounding from fishing?


you should try coke sometime

I take 40 mgs of Adderall every morning. Coffee is for pussies lol.


I approve of this thread

All time low here.

Don’t call me for a month.

so he smoked some weed working at darien lake

then went fishing there


my jury’s still out, but while it’s not something i’d do, it’s JEG, guys

who cares




its as if you enjoy the criticism. lol.


I love this site