So this is what I got paid to do today

what do people have against someone who is a plumber? Seriously…whats wrong with the trades?

Dude…your wife hates my guts so we never get to hang out, JT is always buisy and shit so me and him never hang out either, and all my other friends are either in the military or moved out of state. So I wanted to have some fun and let off some stress because all I fucking do is work, then come home and do nothing. I don’t really care what anybody thinks anymore. I’m just not really giving a fuck about much at all lately. Fuck it.

I have no idea why that could be

There we go!

:tup: whatever makes ya happy chief. Next time you want to post in a political thread, just remember that smoking and fishing is a lot more fun.

You guys act like you never smoked bud before geez. This thread is funny.

you make fishermen and people who love outdoors want to stay inside

Quality thread.

Jeg you are my hero. F-body’s and fishing. Ditch the bud for beer and im in!

Nice Catch!

Side Note:
There is no reason why you should care about what anyone says in this tread about you. You have a job, congrats. Pluming isn’t easy work and if you like doing it :tup: to you.

I also like to fish, I got 5 small bass out of my pond this past weekend. I would be temped to grab some of them monsters to put into our pond. :slight_smile:

I fished there when I was younger…

and yea the fish in the are gigantic.

Even the Sunnies are like twice the size of my hand.

I remember my brother catching a Catfish so large that it actually bent the hook to ~90 degree angle…

the fish really isn’t that bad

:tup: to the bass.

meh its ok, when everything takes a shit, and all you people that sit on a computer all day have to find another way to survive, I’m sure JEG and I will be laughing as my freezer is full of meat, my fields are planted with what i need and i got plenty of fire wood and free natural gas.
maybe some of you computer nerds should pick up a fishing pole?
DO NOT pick up and gun, you will hurt yourself and possibly others.

what did you catch it on?

So you hunt for and grow ALL your food? wtf does your comment even have to do with this thread?

He was fucking around at work fishing for sport and smoking weed…


or maybe one of the people that sat on computers all day will have figured out how to keep that freezer running for you since there is no more electricity…

fuck, i wish my freezer was full of meat.

Do you know Frank Pelligrino? he’s an electrician

man you got to smoke weed and go fishing at you job. can u get me a part time gig? i’ll burn one with yah hahaha

a plumber at darien lake?

damn i wonder the things you’ve seen…


Ive been looking for some good bass ponds for a few years now.