So this is what I got paid to do today

OMG JEG did weeeeeeds! What a bad person he must be. This thread reminds of that video in the NSFW section concerning blowfish.

Edit: Here it is but the video is down. Somebody find it again it’s hilarious.

Edit again: How ironic there is a jeg insult in that thread too at post 21.



god damnit I just want to know some good bass ponds around here

I’ve heard Alabama Swamps is pretty good for bass and pike. My boss and I are thinking about borrowing a couple of kayaks and doing some fishing up there soon.

And :lol: at all the condemning of smoking weed on a site full of people who street race. While I’m not a smoker myself I can at least appreciate the fact that the consequences of street racing and getting caught, especially the high speed highway pulls that most people brag about on here, are a lot worse than getting caught with a little recreational bud. At least Jack hasn’t posted in Kills since 2006, so maybe he’s out of the street racing game.

it was an early morning rant, now that i read it again it was pretty retarded. :picard: myslef on that. my point of view was suburb/city people give shit to more of a " redneck" ( term redneck comes from city folk calling farms due to necks being sun burnt from working in the fields all day.) way of life
not trying to be a dick or anything, there are some uptight city folk that moved in up the street and are really pissing me off…

After reading this entertaining thread…

  1. It’s his life so he can do what he wants

  2. I think doing drugs is a waste of time and people who do them are lame

  3. HUGE fucking props to JACK for standing up for his beliefs and values

  4. Getting paid to fish fucking rules

If only more of your republican brethren felt the same way. Spending my money on the “war on drugs”, particularly the pot variety, is as bad as iraq.
Legalize. Tax. Win.

wow… I am in no way a pot head. I tried it. big fucking deal. The first time you do it you dont feel anything…I was curious to see what it would be like so I did it once more. I didnt like the way it made my heart start pounding like it was gonna explode, so I will never do it again. I have never purchased drugs, nor have I ever done anything besides trying pot. I don’t go out and get wasted and drink myself stupid every weekend and smoke up and shit. I work constantly, never see any of my friends, and I’m under a TON of stress so I was blowin off some steam. Does that make me a druggie? no. Does it make me a pot head for trying it? no.

This thread exploded like Jegs heart.

…Almost exploded


lol at your custom title… glad you you had a good time fishing. seriously

bwahahaha @ pounding heart.

if/when you do it once or twice more it calms down and you get used to it.


I’m not even going to say what I want to, I’m just going to enjoy the moment.

pot > * bro

if I had to heard turds all day I might wanna get high and fish to avoid realizing how bad I suck

Herd? Hurl?


lol @ all the distorted illusions of what being high is/does to you refer to this.
