Got into an long discussion on another forum about this and it boggles my mind what some people think.
Now, they obviously make way too much money. That isn’t a doubt in my mind. Especially fucking baseball players. However they often dedicate their entire life to achieve what they are able to and I feel as if they should be rewarded for it. Like any other business, high risk often leads to high payout. And the sports industry just so happens to pay out handsomly.
Also, the industry you choose to persue with any profession directly affects your salary as well. e.g. Someone working at a small company making $12/hr to do assembly work while a person with the same, or less qualifications can make $30+/hr at GM or Toyota doing a job that a fucking monkey can do. The automotive industry can obviously reward their employees far greater than most others.
The thing that drives me crazy on this other forum, is that a couple people are trying to say that mechanics deserve more money than pro athletes and seem to think that becoming a mechanic requires more thought and dedication. WOW.
if you look at the big picture in most sports other than baseball where everyone is rich only the top player make crazy money in the nfl most guys are only making 100 - 200k a year it of course increases based on years of service but they money is good but not crazy the problem is ppl only talk about arod 252 mil or clemens 20 mil for half a season instead of that guy on the practice squad who has to practice with the team watch film with the team but only get 1500 a week for 17 weeks
people who are the best at what they do can demand a premium. Somebody who is the best auto-parts assembler will probably get promoted to a better position just like somebody in a minor league who is better than all the others will go to the major leagues.
American’s pay into the teams. The teams pay into the players. The more competitive the team the more they collect, the more top dollar players they can pay. If a player is deemed more valuable then another, he’ll prolly get paid as such.
Obv the fans paying into the team is the root of it, but we the people have no direct control, as it were. Even buying merch & the like.
you rarely have a player who is getting extra money for entertaining the masses directly (ie-TO, Deion, etc).
Cliffs: Player values are set by the owners, not the fans directly except in very rare cases.
They get what they deserve. I agree with Jay and as long as a salary cap is allowed to prevent one time from capitalizing on having a bigger bank account to buy wins every year, let players make their money and endorsements, etc.