So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

I’m going to respectfully disagree and say it was a bunch of senior citizens.

Someone drove the race car around? Fingerprints should be everywhere and I can guarantee you enough of us browse CL and these dumbshits will get caught. Seriously deserve a beating for this. I’m sure they will get caught… scene is too small around here.

fucking scumbags, I hope you find them

Check Ebay as well.

This is so fucked. Hope you find them, at the same time they better run far and fast.

I wont disclose the camera araingment at ASS, but look across the street at the $500K+ worth of cars sitting out front, then look at the building… draw a line and I bet their cameras will see anyone driving in and out of ASS and that side road.

No comments on insurance either. for our sakes at this point.

Yeah they drove one of the enduro cars out back around then drove it backwards up the hill. slaming the 5" curb and stuffing the motor, front end, radiator everything into the ground. Its a fucking LOUD car too.

Honestly they had to have been there for atleast an hour (if it was all done in one trip). My car itself must have taken about 30 minutes min. Pry the door and fail, 5 mins, blast the window out and crawl in to unlock it, pop the hood, and fiddel around looking for the secondary release (i broke it off so you have to reach in and fish around to pop it) 2 mins, then start unbolting shit. When I work on it, it takes me 30 mins to take that shit off myself and I did it a bunch of times.


didn’t realize it was your car, my bad.

ROFL. Ill offer you 2 bags of pinapple express, hand delivered by Sgt. Trooper.

There was enough damage and tresspassing that the police should be willing to dust for prints and so on

Wow man sorry to hear. Cannot believe this. Whoever did it, knew what they were looking at to take the items they did.

Exactly. They knew you, your car, what was in your car, and where you keep your car. That’s just way to much info for some random chode to know

deff agree

yeah they must have to be able to grab all that shit and do all that damage without the cops ever showing up esp being right on Central Ave, they knew what they were looking for

Any other forums you post on with local members?

So… Its someone whos on here, and whose been to ass…

honestly wouldent suprise me one bit if its someone who posts here either…

Also for them to drive the race car and fuck it up just doesn’t make sense. This leads me to believe that they had some sort of problem with ASS. They got nothing outta wrecking the car so why do it, they risked drawing attention when they coulda just taken the parts and left. Has there been any deal that went wrong lately?

time to go CSI in this bitch!

I think it’s those meanies at Synapse.