So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

yeah i posted a lil something on ride-ny’s forum bullshitting it

Unless they were drunk.


I meant to direct that ? @ the op. lol

You don’t get hammered before you go to steal a shit load of parts outta a car. At least I don’t

Aside from the race car being wrecked…

This sounds familiar to what happend with another “well known” shop last year (from what I was told), in terms of people knowing the place, knowing what they wanted and what to look for.

Time to head out to Amsterico where the last ones were found

yeah iknow right! ^^

i have a feeling this will be solved very quick. like it has been mentioned, someone knew what they were looking for and where it was, a little to ironic…

Not yet. No need to honestly. I know enough people on those personally, I already talked to. I am only posting it here, and only want it posted here. for good reason. :thumbup

Yeah, in my mind its 50/50. either they poped open my car and hit the gold mine by accident or they knew it was there. I would assume that they did what they did to mine, first, then fucked with the race car. or both at the same time. Def didnt move the race car first, becasue it would make too much noise and attract attention.

SRS though, the whole moving of the racecar just doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever.

i vote same time. those motherfucking a.d.d. crackhead ass puerto ricans can’t concentrate for shit. prolly one of em got bored and was like oh snap i found race cars.

Similar how? In that some stuff was stolen from a speed shop? :rofl :rofl :rofl

Nah dude, they were like, “Yo meng, lookit dis faaaaast car, I keen drive it!”

Fuck those guys, whoever they are. That’s unreal.

What scumbags!!! hope you figure out who did/get your stuff back!


go to the lot bet you they go there and you will see your parts on some dumpy vw.

Similar in that people seemed to know exactly what to look for and grab. The place wasnt torn apart, they took what was valuable and left.

As I said the only thing thats random is the racecar… and maybe they were a bunch of assclowns that jsut got lucky…

Regardless just saying, sounds familar in terms of of the perps knowing exactyl what to get at, and obviously knew the shop… and have probably been there

Wait so they broke INTO the shop?

No way, think about it. Someone tried prying the door open for a while. Then blew your back window out just to steal a k03…