so who had fun?

i want in on some warehouse fun :frowning: too bad its far from here

yo keez pm me about this warehouse location, im curious

Lol, you were there with us. Its the one we set up the sticks on the curbs for.

had some fun with a couple of my buddies last night after work, gettin sideways with balled tires on the rears was fun.

anybody went out tonight and had some fun?

ohh lmao thats my spot! haha when he said warehouse i pictured the kind of place risky devil rips at

Lol, we have places like that to.

You guys sound crazy! I don’t have my S14 yet and im used to FWD/AWD, so I have yet to experience RWD snow drifts. Sounds like fun, dangerous fun that is. :bigok:

I’d be down for warehouse fun. Last night was awesome.

looking forward to it

Snow flaps are in. :cool:

Looks better from the back soooo raaalllllyyyyyy doooood

I miss RWD. I have to drag my ass like a shifty cat. Nothing feels better than having the ass out sideways while the car is still pushing forward :(.

I know it’s fun and all, but just in case a cop sees you in the middle of an industrial zone sideways, what can you possibly say?

I know it’s a small chance, and the whole activity is almost 100% safe considering you’re in a big lot with no one, or nothing to hit…it’s still possible to be charged with stunt driving or something of that sort, right?

Any advice?

The older I get, and the cleaner my record stays over time, the more I fear fucking it up, it’s hard to explain but that’s my current state of mind. I drive like a grandma. lol

Just say your practicing emergency maneuvers, really depends on the cop though whether he tells you to bend over or not.

Well Put, +1

2wd sliding by mself for an hour around my subdivision…until i caught a dry spot and almost flipped it. damn high centre of gravity…