So you get ticketed for talking on your cell phone in Tonawanda...


Ohhh… you can, and you shall…

If you check out this site, you can get out of most of your tickets with a little knowledge :wink:


That website blows.

#1, it’s for California.

#2, it tells you to go to trial. Unless you’re in danger of losing your license you’re foolish to go to trial. If you get to that point you should be consulting a lawyer, not a random website. The cop will just show up and own you. What you’re doing when you get a speeding ticket reduced is plea bargaining, not fighting it at trial to try and be found not guilty. In Pauly’s case he’d sure as fuck be wasting money if he went to trial over a measly little cell phone infraction.

Pauly, despite not being points it still hurts insurance scores. FYI.