So you're the plaintiff in an assault charge...


What did you do to him/her?

Can I smash a glass over your head for making this thread?

says the guy who made a thread asking how to dress himself on a budget :rimshot: :wink:

Hey, I got a lot of positive feedback and helped out some others. This thread was just a tire fire waiting to ignite. Also, my budget was $1k and it still is…I don’t see what the problem was/is? I think everyone will agree that was/is a great thread.

There’s still no boobs in this thread.

Meh, this will probably be closed soon. I’ll save it!

Oh hell no you didn’t! Sleep it off in the cell bucko.


That ass…holy…

^I enjoyed it…ordered allen edmonds and realized they were EEE width…FML

good god. those waves look spectacular!



Not sure why everyone gave so much shit about this. If I had a friend that did something to me/roomate, I would think to call the cops too. Clearly you dont want them to get charged with a crime, but you want them to get a wake up call and straighten them out. I dont see why that would be a problem with people on here. Maybe they like taking beatings or they dont care to straighten someone out when they dont do something right (oh wait, this entire forum corrects you when you are wrong) So why the big stink towards this then.

You can still call the cops and have them come talk to the dude without pressing charges. That’s usually enough to knock some sense into most folks.

I almost laughed out loud…

Can always count on NYSpeed to take a thread like this to this level…well done, as always…

Honestly, police don’t take false reports like that too kindly. I know a few people who have filed a report and ended up getting charged themselves.

Who said anything about it being a false report? He said he was assaulted. He called the cops because of that and had them taken away. He how ever just wanted them to learn a lesson and just drop the charges. Any decent person will see this as a way of trying to straighten someones bullshit out. I for one think it was a smart move. Shitty that it’s ending up in court though if that wasnt the result you wanted. But hopefully it taught them a lesson.

Like most of you dregs pay taxes anyway :slight_smile: