SoloIIscoob Lapping Dunnville

Why is everyone making this into a bigger ordeal than it really is? I took it easy, and took someone with me and had NO issues what so ever.

If you don’t have common sense you don’t belong driving at all, let alone on a track with other drivers.

I think the common sense part is what some people don’t understand…

Many peoples egos overrode their common sense at the track. The first thing I did was ask someone to go with me. No need to be ashamed, everyone was new at something once.


[quote=Onyx Z32;957877]No, no you won’t.

unless im getting a refund like i had asked u for while i was there ill be at every event :fail:

When the hell did this thread become “critique my driving for me” central?

Stop it. If you have nothing of value to add with regard to the track day EVENT review, STFU or GTFO.


I see a trend.

Solo had problems listening before, and to this day, still does.


All in all, this seems like a successful event.

(edit) meh, not worth it. as Howie said he won’t listen, and I guess there’s no point in further debating / discussing this

Instead of a refund, maybe sell your season pass?

Soo much animosity over something fun…

nice edit, and that is pretty much my point. He won’t listen, and it will continue to shit up what was a great thread / event review.

I’ll buy his pass (PM me if you want to). Are the dates transferrable aka if I can’t make one or two can I give/sell them to theblue or adamlindsay or other ROC folks?

I did notice that on onyx’s site. Someone else asked that Question and he said they were fully transferable.

i split a few with you. :tup:

PM sent

ok good so you admit your weaknesses, so back the fuck down and stop trying to superman the car, take it Slower, get off the gas if you’re really “learning”. btw it was my first time in my car also and i never went off, yes i mis shifted, yes the back end came around on my car, no i didnt drive the perfect line. if you were a responsible driver on your first 3 laps and you are soo experienced, you would have let the tires and the pads warm up. its a bullshit excuse in my opinion because you could have locked up on cold tires and rear ended someone. i feel if youre babying your dad’s car and “learning” wheelspin is irresponsible and unnecessary. i have plenty of new techniques to practice that a few experienced drivers showed me, so im going to start slow and build speed along with skill. see you all on track.

If he doesn’t want to split it with you, I might be game.

WTF this is what i love.

it goes from two pages of people bashing me for bullshit and to where i can defend myself once ever 3 pages cause of work and its my fault.

thats fucking bullshit.

my spots are for sale. if people want to split them whatever, but im getting my $400 out of it. that price is already discounted and if you guys dont want to split/ do that that i dont give a shit. ill drive the fucking 8 hours to use my spots regardless of whether or not josh wants/allows me to.

if u want 3 spots its $180(60 a spot which is already discounted) and ill keep the last one for myself.

dont blame this shit on me when im one person and this turned into 5-6 pages of harassment. thats a fucking joke and a half

and i listen quite well, but when people are being dicks and assholes bashing me personally when they are far from perfect im going to defend myself.

it was A FANTASTIC event. i blew up a $8000 motor, but i still had a awesome time. only after everyone got home and had something smart to say about a common mistake and how much i suck thats where i draw the line. im done in this thread. find another scapegoat

you sure have alot to say for it being your first time dood. it could have easily been you. it could have been anyone for that matter. even f1 and nascar drivers spin out by themselfs. at least he was at the track and not on the streets, give the guy a break…

OY!!! Normally I stay out of these threads because well I just dont care, but this is one of the reasons I wasnt going to attend, too many noobs, I know overall it seemed to be ok though. I am a noob still on road courses, i went to a TMP track day and all i know is its totally diff than AutoX so anyone comparing the 2 are tards. AutoX for the most part you dont reach the kind of speeds or carry the kind of speeds u do at a track, much smaller course yada yada. You have to take your time learn the track before you start pushing the car. Especially a car you don’t drive much or shouldn’t be driving. Sure people wil make mistakes and hopefully learn. I know at TMP i didnt even put 2 wheels on the grass but I messed up some turns and needed to collect myself, I couldnt imagine 4 wheels on ther grass. Bottom line take your time, start slow. Too many other people on the track to act like a hothead.Follow the rules even if no one saw you go off you felt it. Check your car over.