some DOD rolling shots finally (slammed cobalt ss)

Did this kid just seriously refer to himself as “a legend”?

i read a rumor about 17s going on it too. sometimes it is hard to tell if he is trying to piss everyone off or just isn’t afraid to do his own thing. mainly cause i’ve never met him.

on the topic of miatas and penis cars:

dunno how there aren’t more picutres of this on the web.

oh jesus sweet stancedragon hipster girl car

I appreciate the satire.

I hate hipsters

Although i whole heartedly agree with everything said in this thread by shift members and don’t get trying to dress and style your hair like your girlfriend (I’m old and always had the shit kicked out of me and told to be a man and act manly) the kid shares the same feeling I do towards the elitist faggotry that makes me generally not want to have anything to do with “enthusiasts” or car culture in general

gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit…

no self respecting human being wore aero


I feel that if you have the balls to drive in a car that you know people wont like, get bashed and shit talked and not care then good for you.

That does not seem to be the case here.

I don’t understand the “hipster” style, and I really don’t understand taking a decent car and purposely making it look like shit. Car would look better without stickers and zip ties, I love the fitment, thats about it.

Least someone like Sam/Steves/Bennys cars get fucked up doing cool shit :rofl

lol lemme guess you wear ken block monster energy jerseys?

QFT :rofl:rofl:rofl

Fox Racing, Skin Industries, and Aero… hahaha. Wut. Who gives a fuck what brands you wear as long as you don’t look like a sexual confused doucher

This is how a man dressed back in the late 90’s when I was in high school, and you can see the results it got you.

Haven’t changed my style since and let me tell you its a pain in the balls to find relaxed fit wide leg jeans anymore

Fuck yeah it is…

I used to get ALL of my jeans from pac sun, they were called loose fit or something… always loved how they fit… its impossbile to find a fucking pair of jeans now thats as comfy/relaxed and not trying to hike up and bulge out your sack and not rub up on your ankles

Bull head jeans. I am still clinging on to two pair I have but they are literally starting to disintegrate

Yea thats it.,.

Yep, mine are fucked at the bottoms, they have that little tail thing going on… every time I step wrong or they catrch on something and I hear a rip I want to cry, because I know at somepoint its going to mean their going to rip all the way up the leg.

I had a pair rip all they way up the seam to the crotch after someone stepped on them at the bar. Not a single fuck given.

went home and had room mate sew them. lol

It really is hard to find loose fits like that anywhere that are comfortable, even shitty brands/stores have fewer and fewer of them… Pretty soon were all going to be forced into wearing our girlfriends/sisters jeans

Man looking back at all the shit from 2001 makes me miss that time. The world was such a better place before the 9/11 shit.

Fuck you could drive up to Canada @ 18 and just get shit faced for a night and drive home for like $40 in gas. Now you need a passport or an enhanced license and Canada has raised its drinking age and its a cunt crossing the boarder both ways and you’d be lucky if it only cost you $80 in gas one way

So true…