some DOD rolling shots finally (slammed cobalt ss)

i cant do the skinny jeans, its like my penis and balls look like a division sign, ball/dick/ball. it hurts

Try American Eagle. That’s where I got my last two pairs. Only ones I’ve liked. However, they do ride up a bit at top because it seems like they don’t make jeans that aren’t ‘waist cut’ or whatever they are called. But as far as the legs go, the AE’s are great.


dude, whats with the capri’s? wtf?

ken block spotting at car shows is my number 1 pass time.

Who gives a shit what the kid wears, the focus should solely be on the dumpy yet “legendary” cobalt ss. Pointing out and commenting on MENS CLOTHING makes you just as big of a fag

Actually what you wear greatly affects if you will ever get laid

prospective interior designers itt

Another thing that will decide if you get mad pussy or hairy palms

Homeless dudes set the trend by wearing whatever they could get their hands on. Example: homeless gentleman stuffs into womens jeans he found, or was given… BOOM, SKINNY FUCKIN’ JEANS ARE BORN.

Quit jockin’ the homeless people’s style, brah.


I tried my girls pantys on once, they didn’t fit. That’s why I don’t wear underwear.

Mesh gym shorts for life


I just do jumping jacks naked with an erection. 9% of the time it works every time.

:rofl :rofl

Tell me why I see people in vettes, Lotus’, Porsche’s, etc driving the same roads you are, with front lips just as low and not held together with look at me zip ties and fucking home depot latches? Furthermore, the last thread you posted in I asked about the gay ass latches holding the bumper to the fender… you said its so you can take the bumper off easy to get in and out of places… to me, that is not only absolutely retarded, its probably bullshit, becasue I doubt you EVER get out, detach bumper and drive to point B. OR YOUR DUMPY BUMPER WOULDNT BE SMASHED TO SHIT.

EVERYTHING about you and your car, screams “look at me”. head to toe, front bumper to exhaust tip. Why try so hard? I mean i am sure you are good people, but no offense but I wouldnt want to catch a beer at the bar with someone that had to call that much attention to themselves to feel good. Call me old.

You shut your whore mouth about bumpers held on or together with zipties you dirty gutter slut

i think in another thread he mentioned he hit a possum.

When do you want those boot buckles I powedercoated for you so you can do the quick release mod on the Lex?’

Come to think of it… I am bumping your other thread. :skid

your logic is retarded. how cant you notice his capri’s in that picture, and im a fag for asking him about it?

thats right