Some people seriously don't deserve a license

The title says it all. I can’t believe some of the morons that are out on the roads sometimes. I know people complain about cell phone use in the car and how it makes people not pay attention, and I agree with that; but at the same time, some people are just complete idiots whether they are on the phone or not. Take yesterday for example:

I am driving through Bethel Park on my way home from work. If you are familiar with the area, there are two 2-way streets running parallel to the trolley tracks on each side. I am coming up on one of the crossings and there was some woman in a black cobalt wating to make a left out of the trolley crossing. I was about 15 yards or so away (just a guess) and she pulls right out infront of me to make her left. Neither lane was clear so I slammed on my brakes and came a stop. I could not tell if we hit because the car lurched so hard when I finally stopped so I threw off my hands free headset and stormed out of the car. I normally don’t swear but I was absolutely giving it to this woman. I have no idea what I said because I was so pissed, but you should have seen the woman’s face. She was too scared to even open her window and just had both hands up off the steering wheel waving them like “I surrender”. Luckily we didn’t hit but it was about 6 inches of space between my passanger headlight and the side of her car.

That is just one example of the moronic drivers that I have come accross this week.

road rage much?

If you would have jumped out of your car acting like a madman, some people would have shot you.

Shit happens, get used to it.

I was more getting out of the car to check and see if we had hit and see if there was any damage. I didn’t like go up to her car or anything. Just stood there looking at my front end while I told her how much of a stupid bitch she was. I would never like agressively run up to someone elses car, that’s how you get your ass kicked. Plus this whore was by herself and looked like whitetrash. There was nothing to be worried about.

road rage haha

you didnt go up to her car, but you were looking at the front end of your car, that was 6 inches away?

I meant that I didn’t like go up to her window and start yelling at her.

was thinking the same thing :rofl:

And how could you not know if you hit someone or not? If you’re driving a PAT bus or 18 wheeler and clip something and don’t realize it, fine. But if you have a normal car or suv, you should be able to tell if you hit something.

even people that are good drivers make mistakes

I have never made a mistake while driving :angel:

i think you’re right man, some people shouldn’t be allowed to drive

so when are they taking your license away?


I wouldn’t have shot him, anyone who drives a mazda hatch couldn’t be any tougher than a piece of paper, so an ass whooping would be the worst of it. I’ll reserve the gun for someone else. :D:D:D

so what you’re saying is that you’re a mammoth vagina.

Neither lane was clear so I slammed on my brakes and came a stop. I could not tell if we hit because the car lurched so hard when I finally stopped so I threw off my hands free headset and stormed out of the car. I normally don’t swear but I was absolutely giving it to this woman. I have no idea what I said because I was so pissed, but you should have seen the woman’s face. She was too scared to even open her window and just had both hands up off the steering wheel waving them like “I surrender”.

Did screaming at and trying to intimidate a female who probably made an honest (if stupid) mistake make you feel manly?

And you knew she wasn’t armed with a .40 and PMS how?

this thread went KABOOM in your face.

pretty much

shit happens, maybe you where just traveling way to fast :kekegay: