some serious issues with my clutch

so i was driving along, and all of a sudden my clutch went to the floor, and stayed there… so i get it home a look at it, and the release fork is just flopping around in the case… so after inspection, i take out tranny… and it was as simple as the clip on the release bearing has fallen off… has this happend to anyone before? cus it seriously piised me off… but i also had a spec clutch i was waiting for the right time to put in… and since i had the tran out, i did it now… but i think the new release bearing from the spec clutch is slightly smaller than the stock one, and there for the release fork rests about 5/16 of an inch further away from the slave cylinder. SOOOOOO when i was trying to bleed the clutch line, the slave cylinder pistion sits a bit deeper in the slave cylinder… enough futher in that there is not enough travel to fully dissengage the clutch when pressed down… and therfor the clutch line will not bleed properly, and i could not get it to bleed properly…it might just be becuase i had the slave cylinder completly apart, but i was having a hell of a time bleeding that damn thing… is this a common problem? anyway, i think the moral of the story is that i need a longer rod for the slave cylinder to the release fork… i dont know if the spec stage 3 clutch is supposed to be a direct drop in replacement in a silvia transmission, but let me know about any problems you guys have had with your clutch replacements

That’s pretty weird. I’ve never replaced a clutch before so I couldn’t help. So… weird…

get a stock oem berring! they could have messed uo the berrings cuz it might be for a ca18de fwd and such!

i compared the two diaphrams, and the one on the spec clutch had a little bit larger opening, so i would not be able to put the other bearing in…