Thought it was the Slave Cylinder...

So im driving, put the clutch in to change gears, Clutch hits the floor and wont come back.

Get the car towed, leave it sitting, next day i check the Brake fluid in the clutch reservoir and its empty, look under the car and theres a puddle under the slave cylinder.

Neat, its just the slave messed up, right?


I replace that, but the rod that the slave pushes is loose as shit, as if… whatever it is ussually connected to, is no longer connected.

so my question is… What the fuck? where does that rod go? what is it ussually connected to? how do i re-connect it?

Thanks in advance yall…


i don’t quite understand what your asking.

but it sounds like a clutch fork or ball stud.

That “rod” is the clutch fork, it pivots in the center and pushes back towards the engine, onto the pressure plate. It disengages the clutch. To fix whatever is wrong with it you’ll have to drop the transmission… could be a weak pressure plate, bent clutch fork, couple other things.

Best way is to drop the transmission and see what you need.

I’m presuming the car is an S13.

If the fork that simplemind7 commented on looks to be be in the right spot (that would be sort of in the middle of the trans opening for the fork), it could be a problem with bleeding the clutch fluid system.

Did you happen to push the rod all the way into the slave housing and now it wont push back out? This will cause the rod to look too short. It only sits between the fork and slave and isnt permently connected to either piece

The clutch hydraulic line has some sort of “dampner” in the system. I’ve always had problems bleeding that system ( and so have Nissan mechanics) to the point I just by-pass that whole system.


happened in my brothers jetta once. we were leaving my survey and the clutch reached the floor and wouldn’t come back up. got it towed to the shop, turned out to be the clutch fork.

make a videoo. im not sure if ur calling the clutch fork a rod or your talking about the actual rod that is connected to the slave that pushed the fork.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and gess it is the pivit point of the fork that broke.

thats what i was thinking ^


go out on a limb eh Iro?

cot’damn ur good, u should be like… a mechanic or something

yeah i broke the ball pivot thing im my s13 about 2 years ago. Did the same thing. Pedal went all the way to the floor and wouldn’t come back up. Good luck getting one new, the only nissan place that had one was in BC. But that was 2 years ago. The fluid probably leaked out of the slave cause the piston popped out further then it is supposed to go.