Someone got their soxors roxored? [Pics] :eek:

So; this morning I got up ~4am to take the wifey to RDU. She took the dogs out first thing and came in to tell me that she just saw one of our neighbors drive in on a flat tire. I really didn’t think anything of it; ate breakfast, finished my coffee, etc. A bit later on I go out to load the car and this is what I see:


Z O M G :wtf:

Excuse the crappy pics pls; my camera was dying… and I didn’t want anyone to see me taking these. :snky:

I really can’t imagine a legitimate reason to drive a car home in this condition though…

Thats solid, looks like a head print on the windshield

Definately a hit and run

worth reporting to the cops.

somebody or something got fucked up… willing to bet their looking for the culprit.

Call it in anonomysly (sp?)
Bankroll karma


wow. yeah call the police. they probably hopped a curb, hit a pedestrian, and drove home fast as they could on what used to be a tire.

Yeah I was thinking:

  1. read paper / watch news
  2. wait for reward to be offered
  3. ??? (optional)
  4. profit :slight_smile:

lol; i kid i kid… but i sure could use a new 12 inch xps. :smiley:

I’m going to get some pics during the daytime… now that other ppl have seen it (when they were leaving for work) I’m sure someone has probably called…

Bet they had a bit to drink :lol:

You might be suprised.

You should call it in, because as someone already said, there is no legitimate reason to drive it like that.

  • one more for call it in to the cops.

Where do you live? NC?

yeah outside raleigh; i just grabbed the maintenance staff when i was outside with the dogs so it will be reported momentarily.

I was just checking some of your local news sites, and nothing about a hit and run yet.

See Mike this is what you get for living in a safe city…nothing like this happens in raleigh, well except this

I don’t see any blood, and that dent looks pretty big for a head.
Tell you right now sobriety was not the word of the night for that dude. Who the hell drives their car home like that sober?
“call AAA? Nah, fuck it, this’ll be fun” :bloated:

Same thing happened here. I was at The Amherst Ale House and a guy pulled up, drunk as fuck, with no tire left. He apparantly drove all the way from downtown like that…

btw :hi: mike

holy shit

Wow. I agree. Probably drinking + hit and run.


prob more like curb into parking meter or something heavier, look at the damage where the windshield meets the roof, definitely something heavier and denser than a person

Is that coolant pouring away in the third pic?

that 'll be on the news today