someone needs to lighten up

and on that note. edit screw it ill keep it open

Look this is the internet, people (from what iv’e seen) tend to be more fluent with the words they choose then in person. Im sure you know this by now.

The reason threads get deleted etc etc. sometimes is a gut call. The mods of pittspeed were not just picked because we like them. Even though Pewter is pretty sexy, but because they make good decisions.

When a person calls out someone and it gets outrageous then yes it will get deleted.

Not to mention, try to make sure you know all the factors that happened in your thread before calling a mod out. This happened recently with me when a member came to me asking why his thread had been deleted. Well he apparently did not see the thread go down hill the past day and he thought I deleted it for no reason. I explained to him what happened etc etc and everything was fine.

Please if you ever have a problem with something that gets deleted ask a mod why. There is always a reason behind it. Unless your shelby we just delete his threads to jag him :bigthumb:


this sometimes does happen if your buddies or people you know are on here jaggin around. WE do not know your friends, so thats why things get deleted.