Someone please tell me this is too good to be true?

The reserve is probably set at $5k USD. Plus then you would need to get it all the way back here. I don’t think that would be cheap. If you had a decent chassis to start with, I’d say just go thru World Car Link.

gah… yeah. still,… JDM is expensive,
so is USDM…
blaah… I’m so emo, broke and anxious.
lol. well, not entirely broke.
just anxious.

rust free chassis’ are haaard to find…

worldcarlink jdm ftw.
usdm expensive bullshit ftl.

jdm is not expensive!! your just cheap!!1

your not gonna get you “240sx dream car rust free blah blah” for 2k sorry to break it to you but…its not gonna hapen :roll:

kid, you need to face it. you fucked up big time. I paid 1300 for mine and fluked out big time. but yours looks like a rust bucket. It looks like it ready to be given to pick and pull. You need to sit down and make up a plan of where your going. People spends tons of time and cash going around in circles on cars and get nowhere. Your going to need an easy 3-4 grand to pull off the motor swap + another 5 grand in body work. litteraly for the cost of the body work alone you could buy a clean 240 with minimal rust. Just use or sell yours as a parts car and consiter it a lesson learned.

its all about patience… if it takes u 6 months or even a year to buy your ideal 240sx… then do it that way

Auctually, I do have a plan stretched over 2 years,…

yes, I am cheap because of my current un-employment,

and I apologise for being overly anxious,

I haven’t taken pills for that, or the ADHD/ADD, Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,…

or, seen a doctor in a few years.

to be honest, I have $17,000 saved up,… buuut, uhh… I now have $2000 car,
$2000 of CD’s,
and $13,000 gone to the alcohol and cigarette industry…

Evan is a Loser.


Yeah…you are?

Why are you whinning on the internet?
So you have 13,000 that will go to, or has gone to booze and smokes? Either way, if that is even remotely …possibly, near 25 % true. Then you need your head slapped around a bit.

Get a job, buy a new car and stop complaining.

omg you fag get a job buy a fucking 240 and shutup…do you think posting that you spent 13g’s on liqour n smokes and you havent seen a doctor in a few years or taken
watever kinda fukin pills your going on about mean anything to people on this forum…NO…JUST PLEASE SHUT UP…get a job,stop lieing to try n make yourself look cool? and buy your stupid car youver always wanted…
if you REALLY wanted a 240 so bad just so you could fit in with the fanboysssssss you
woulda baught it along time ago…fuck its people like you who crash these cars n beat
them up reall good trying to “drift” it in 1st gear…then you wonder why there are no
clean 240’s out there anymore…kids like you dont take care of them :finga: :roll: :drinkers: :vom: :partyman:

I was being polite…But, what he said!

YES!!! dont forget that ppl like this RUIN websites.

ahha jay drops some smack