wow man, that sucks hardcore :tdown:…hopefully you find out who stole them like toda did and get your wheels back

Who knew that you had the wheels in the car? I would look to those people first.

:tdown: that sux…hope you find em and beat their asses.

You were definitely asking to get them stolen if you put them in a car for storage. People suck! Good luck on getting them back :tup:

wouldnt be suprised to see those rims on a car painted another color…

Unfortunatly :word:


Get detective Toda on this one, I hear hes good at tracking down stolen wheels

Team Honda Recovery Services could help…

toda recovery FTW.

wow that sucks dude, good luck

that sucks man like everyone said some dumb ass will throw em on his car this spring in which case you get a pimp cane and beat him like a hoe

ugh, anytime your storing wheels, at LEAST bike chain them all together so they are harder to take

you should get a mustache like magnum p.i.

that would be hot

sorry to hear about your wheels man, that sucks when shitty people take your stuff. Let me know if you find out who took them, i’ll help you go medeival on their ass, you bring the pliers i’ll bring the blowtorch. I hate theives, these fucking people need to get jobs to pay for shit like the rest of us do.

that’s just wrong…where do you live. I’m going to keep my eyes open.

Was the car stored at your house? If so, homeowner’s oughta cover them.

that sucks man, I hope you recover these! My wheels look similar (hard to tell from my sig pic) so nobody mistake my car for the theives’!

:word: , that was very stupid on your part. Those things should have been stacked in your apartment or something. Good luck finding them.

where bouts are you located ill keep my eyes peeled

toda ftw