i woke up this morning to go to school and i looked at the rear driver side wheel because something didnt look right, the dame rotor was sitting on some big plastic thing with no wheel on it. I was pissed, why would someone steal one off of my car. The best part about it is the fact that it wasnt off the camaro, someone stole a damn stock grand prix wheel, what the hell?
Anyways, i was wondering if anyone had a stock 5 spoke grand prix wheel laying around, i know john has one, or even slohawk might? Or just advice where i can get one asap
on the street, and i dont live in the greatest of neighborhood, but ive seen worse. Lol yeah i never really have ever had a problem with my cars though or anything for that matter
thats what im saying, but there is this pr that lives around the block that drives a grand prix just like mine with the same wheels :ponder, so im doing a little investigation when i get home
Wow man thats just … I don’t know what to say, 1 wheel? A stock grand prix wheel none the less? I could see if it was some hella fly dubz yo! but seriously thats just fuckin stupid
what the hell do you think i have that thing for, and my dog is supposed to wake me up for this shit, i wouldve def went out there with it, probably not loaded though