seconded :lol
wow 5 years is a long time…youll make it through though… :banana
hey man now you could be out and about and meet the girl of you dreams :nod
dont u have sum bullshit story to go tell???
HA HA HA :rofl
Sucks man! I been there too bro! Right after I bought the house my girlfriend at the time split. I was a mess no doubt, I won’t lie. Looking back I’m really really glad it happened when it did. I’m much happier now, and i got way more toys! You know what break-ups are best for? GARAGE-TIME!!! All you gotta do is get some beers, a garage, and something to fuck around with.
Couldnt have put this any better
Nothing makes you feel better than a bunch of car guys emo-whining about girls on a local forum.
popcorn smiley
LOUD NOISES holy caps man why are you so mad lol
97VR, you and me should get hammered sometime and talk about why girls suck. Been there before, not 5 years, but 2 years on intense drama and bullshit. I bet we could exchange war stories for hours, but fuck it we should just talk about cars. In the long run they are easier to sell than girls, cause girls tend to give it up free. Anyways… i feel bad for ya, and it takes a while to get use to bein without a whiney, needy, clingy, yelling, annoying bitch but in the end you’ll realize you have less headaches, and more money. Plus bein alone isnt as bad as it sounds, just takes a while to get use to it.
okay, Swift therapy session over.
on to the important matter:
HAHAHAHAHA :wow :wow :haha :crackup :wtf :lol :lmao
that is amazing Hank.
YOUR SPELLING! holy shit man, stop slamming your massive hands on the keyboard, you hit the fucking CAPSLOCK key first it appears.
I would give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he’s going after the left “shift” key to capitalize the first letter of the word to ensure the proper spelling of the rest of the post, and just accidently hits capslock with his giant fingers and leaves it on.
Who am I kidding :crackup
97Vr4, we feel ya it sucks, it happens and hate to be cliche like everybody else, but it’s for the better.
My ex was a certified nut job who would call me up telling me shes getting hammered in Canada and there are wierd guys chasing after her… *click - end call
Ah so much better off.
Not all of us can pick up High School girls after detention in our Ultimate Driving Machines :tong
yeah but thats not to say we dont wish we could… just can’t really get into that habitt, no jail time for me!
high school chicks are where its at!!!
:crackup :rofl
you highschool guys should bring some girls around, so we don’t look like its our fault.
An older guy that i used to ride streetbikes with back from my hometown told me somthing i will never forget, i was fighting with an ex and he took me aside and told me girls were alot like cars, once they start going downhill and giving you problems, your gonna put alot of work into them to try to fix them but they will never be like new again. So when they start giving you too many problems, throw em in the gutter and go get another!
im pretty sure i can agree with that
Allstar -very good analogy
Swifty - I am up for anything man. Beer, fuckin yagerbombs, fuckin skanks, w/e you name it.
An update though. Its not so hard durning the day when your busy and all that, its at night when it fuckin hits you. I can’t stand it at night becuase im tempted to call her and talk but I dont becuase I know it’s a hoorible idea. Even if she came crawling back I would not get back into it. I’ll get over I just wish I could hit the FF button. Oh well, that’s why they invented alcohol and skanks.
Im sure alot of us know exactly what your goin threw, best way to deal with it is to keep your mind off it, hang out with some good friends, make some new ones, work on some projects in the garage.
If you want HS girls, ask Dc2nick, the girls had to leave because they didn’t want to be late for homeroom :haha