Today i slid around a corner (very bumpy corner) and then when i let my car idle it just stalled, so i turned her on again and reved a bit, and then it ran. So i drove it around a bit and then it stalled again. so i waited turned her off, checked around the engine, then turned her on again waited and drove her without any problem! no stalling at all. now i had just turned on the car before the slide, probably like 2minutes of driving. When i checked the engine bay i could hear a loud whistling sound.
so i’m going to check all the vaccum lines tomorrow for leaks, any other suggestions? maybe grounds?
i can not smell any fuel BTW, so i’m pretty sure its not fuel related.
thanks, any suggestions woul dbe great, … aslong as they are not stupid suggestions :x
alright thanks
Cheak your ic pipes and adapters maybe one of the split? How is your boost? Is it still normal? My car stalled a lot when I was recerculating my BOV but it was the way it was facing (more towards the MAF) making it think that it has more air then it should. So make sure the pipe between the maf and turbo is good. Also make sure bov is not leaking at ideal maybe sompthing came loose.
was your fuel level LOW?
If its not that it could be just about anything. Hope for i/c pipes dude. However they dont usually fix themselves
The fuel leve is not low. But my car has acted similar before when i was intalling my BOV and one of my lines were not hooked up. also it acted this way, when my fuel injector to intke mnifold seals were cracked. anyways i’ll check it out today and post what happens.
changed all the main vaccum lines with some tubing from CT, meant to do that a while ago. didn’t see any cracks or holes … i think. the only thing is that when i changed one tube it slid off like it was bearly secured. drove it around with no problem. Maybe that was it, maybe it was bad fuel :?: i dunno, but it doesn’t make me feel good about driving back to school on sat.
I had the same problem, check for boost leaks, tighten up your bov. This probably isnt your problem, but my coilpack was loose on one of the cylinders and my car was stalling, might wanna check that.
seems changing all the vacumm hose that i did on the weekend fixed it all up.
but thank you.