Speed limiter


There is more to it than just disconnecting the tranny sensors.

First you have to disconnect two sensors from the tranny. One is the fourth gear sensor, the other is the fifth gear sensor. If you look at the transmission under the car there are 4 sensors (for s13, 3 for s14), the ones that need to be unplugged are the middle two (s13).

Second you have to cut the wire going to ecu pin 32. It should be a yellow wire with a green stripe. This is for s13.

That should be it and it should work for s13, I’m not sure if the pinouts are the same on the ecu for s14.

Anyone with more info care to help out regarding s14 ecu pinouts?


I got the above from a previous thread, i have already disconneted my two sensors when i swapped the tranny out, i just wanted to knw, if all i have to do is cut the yellow wire/green stripe to get rid of the speed limiter, also if anyone has done this, have u found any drawbaks, i heard u can’t use cruise contol also is this tru?, any help would be appreciated, thanks Sunjay

ive heard of bad storys about this, and good storys. I read that one guy couldnt get above like 4500rpm after he did this

get an auto ecu they’re only 20 or 30 bucks

get a greddy speed cut then you dont lose anything

exactly, do it right, dont be a ghetto idiot

This is son, what do you expect? Everyone wants to be fast and reliable for cheap. And you know the sayin about that don’t you.

always talking about how the people on son are so cheap and cant afford cheap reliable hp. this item isnt even high priced man… if you want it done right spend the money http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GReddy-Speed-limiter-cut-controller-nissan-toyota-mazda_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ133193QQihZ008QQitemZ180073917185QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

I have an auto ecu for SOHC if you’re interested. $20

Dude, this thing is worth 80 dollars its not expensive, if you cant afford this than you probably cant afford the gas to go that fast.