Speeding in Buffalo >.< ... Options?

Interesting, Is this a fairly common occurance ? Currently facing MANY points.

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

What is the limit for points in NYS ? I know we have spoke about this story before, but I never knew you ate them all. So I guess my question is, after eating all 11 points did that not hit the limit of points you could have, consequently keeping you license in suspension ?

Let’s just say that I also know of the possibility of the insurance company missing it.

I couldn’t take the points reduction class because I already took it before I got the ticket, just for the 10% reduction in insurance.


Holy shit Newman what the hell did you do?

in on one

They got me for 110 in a 55 on the 190 on my bike. They also got me for unsafe lane change and no signaled lane change. 14 points in total, 6 months suspension and about $3k in fines between NYS and the city of Buffalo. TVB sucks big balls

Yeah I actually had 14 points too. The other 3 were for unlawful exit of a controlled highway.


Before any speculation starts, this is NOT why i sold my car…


Jesus Christ. Handcuffed to the steering wheel?

PM from Randy960

and I see this white exige barreling up behind me. It then swerves over to the shoulder, spins a u onto an onramp, and takes off. Shortly after that, a cop flys by. I was telling someone I work with about it, and he goes, “oh, that must be newman, from nyspeed.” I just wanted to say, impressive driving, and sexy fucking car. If you got away, congrats. If you didn’t, you at least put up a good fight. Thumbs up from me.

I may have never gotten into riding had this not happened.

Someone’s lucky Don Postles wasn’t talking about this on the 6 o’ clock news.

Go big or go home. I’ve got my fair share of stupidity… crashed through a half open gate into a friends back yard in texas and parking in the middle of his wife’s vegetable garden. Then I grew up a little, and bought a honda.

^^This. I heard that you can get a Cadillac in a dog house with that shit. Might make it a little easier…

This thread is turning into who’s got the biggest cock…

My 2 cents, try to plea it and avoid the points…you never know, he might not even show…

I’m hung like a stud field mouse.

What would I tell the judge? Just that I want to plea it down? Wouldn’t he/she just say “you’re clearly guilty, eat the points/fine”?

I haven’t even loosened my belt yet…

18 over is definitely 4 points. http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/license.htm#points

I don’t know when they changed it, maybe when the speed limit went up to 65, but I think it used to be 2 points for every 5 over.

Like everyone has said, it’s not likely to get reduced in TVB. You could take a shot with the cop not showing, but that’s about it as far as I know. You could always show up request an adjournment, and hope the cop doesn’t show for the second court date.

Negative, the cops want as much time in court as possible. Then they don’t have to do actual work lol.

I thought that for a 25 over ticket in Buffalo. The cop was there, went through all his training, the radar calibration and his honorable duty. The judge asked me for my said of the story which I responded “ha you win”.

Cost me like $250 up front then that gay NYS thing where you have to pay $100 for the next four years. BLOWS

I got a ticket for 19 over on the 190. State trooper was an asshole about it too. My girlfriends dad is a lawyer and he said there was no point in trying to fight it because it was a trooper, and because of where I got the ticket. I paid the 200 bucks, took the 4 points, and for some reason my insurance only went up 3 bucks every 6 months. Fine by me. Maybe someone at Travler’s Insurance knew that my 70hp civic won’t even hit 100 unless it’s going downhill and gave me a break haha.

hahah classic dylan. Shit sucks out here in Buffalo, I got a 14 over in Albany from a state trooper and I plead it down myself to parking on the pavement.