Spoiled college kid getting tasered... vol 2

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:81,topic:35565"”]

Absolutely, show me statistics that non taser deaths have decreased by 150.


lol you are pretty much asked me to show you a number of deaths that correlate to anything except a taser.

i dont think i have to do the research for you, i think you know that it will be easy.

read your own link and tell me you think, 100% without a doubt, that tasers are the SOLE cause of death in cases. then compare that to being shot.

then put yourself in a cops shoes and think about the fact that anyone is dangerous until restrained. i can give you 100 scenarios of how you would have to question your own safety while trying to give someone that you have been called to investigate the benefit of the doubt. YOU WOULDNT DO IT. if you did you would have a very short lifespan as a cop.

even in cases where they say a mental patient was tased…you have to have heard stories of mentally retarded people getting a knife, or gun and killing someone.

are you just trying to play devils advocate or do you really think you would rather be shot/beaten/hurt than be tased? i know you arent a bad person but the cops dont…they have to assume everyone COULD hurt someone and the taser is still the safest way