Sport Bike shops?

Where is there a sport bike shop that I don’t have to drive to Irwin or Tarentum to get to? South Side? The City? I was googling, and looking through and couldn’t find anything! Not even Bentleys to get a phone number or an address.


dpends on hwta you looking for

work on your bike or parts???

i know 1st try or emage can get you any parts you need

I need chain wax… badly. I looked at Lowes and Home Depot for some stuff by Dupont, but they didn’t carry it. a $7 can of chain wax isn’t worth going all the way to Irwin or Tarentum, but I don’t know of anywhere else.

any motorcycle shop will carry it. it doesn’t have to be a sportbike shop.

Honda house, and Bohn cycle are both on 51

Are there any in South Side? Or where is Bentleys? I have to run out to Monroeville anyways at lunch time.

4451 US HWY 22
Phone: (724) 325-2344

Honda/Kawasaki house is on the south side pretty much, right on rt 51.

perfect. thanks. I couldn’t find them on google.

norms cycle salvege is in homestead

someone beat me to bentleys #, i know it by heart. i used to work there.

Someone told me the guys at Bentleys are all assholes… but I thought they were ok :dunno:. The guy didn’t know what kind of oil my 250 used though… (10W-30) he had to ask someone else. I found a pair of gloves that I really like too for only $40.