Sputtering choking then stalls

Issues with my blazer. Has a slightly built and beat 350. Its carburated. just changed the cap/rotor and wires. We got 7 of eight plugs replaced the last one had to wait(cant get at it.) Anyways its now sputtering real bad -only stays running when i keep my foot on the gas. Whe it does drive it gets bogged down sounding, i can floor the pedal but the truck just sputters and chokes. BTW it has two fuel filters one under the hood which is blowing fine.The other one on the frame rail has only about 5k on it so i think it should be alright. Any suggestions?? Could this be due to a vacuum leak, perhaps a gasket?? Im clueles.

sounds like a carb issue

word? think it needs to be cleaned/rebuilt?

clean and rebuikld carb also might be cold weather it running to rich