Spy Shots for 09'

Some pics of the New car for 09 :ohnoes


Looks sick man!!! CC 6 puck ftw, got the same shit!

very nice sir

looks sick. not gonna run an S14?

nope, the S14 wont be finished in time for the season start

Looks great. I am not at all trying to bash here, but is that an ebay turbo? What are you going to run for EMS?

Yes, its an ebay turbo… its only temporary, a T70 will be going on as soon as i get it, AEM standalone fuel management

i was thinking that as well.

looks good man, stop with the teaser pics!

Looks like a nice setup. Why not a 35r? :thumbup Oh yea…and why not MegaSquirt :)???

great looking car when is your first event

either way it looks good and i like the s13 better then the s14 anyway. what are you running for wheels?

a few more teaser pics… And like i said the ebay turbo is only temporary to get it together and running…



What color will it be? Looks sick.

so far im leaning towards pearl white

I almost had my car in pearl white but it got sold out from under me. Awesome choice!

looks good bud and im not a for car fan ,but ill give ya props

start swingin people

Looks nice man. You gonna bring it to the lot at all this season?