squeeky brakes? any fix?

so when driving… my brakes squeek like crazy. When I apply the brakes it goes away… when I let off of them, it comes back squeek squeek sqeek sqeek sqeek

anyone know of a fix for this? it’s very annoying

could be the wear indicator.

if not that, pull the pads and apply antisqueal. it’s like a tar that goes between the piston/shims/pads

sweet… :tup: I’ll check that out


Definitely sounds like a wear indicator. Makes me wonder - yours is an '04, right? Maybe it’s a stuck caliper pin causing uneven wear.

you’ll run into alot of “mine as wells” here.

If your taking the pads out to apply anti squeal, you mine as well have a new set of pads ready to go in there in case they are down to the wear indicators.

My fiance’s Jeep makes HORRID squeeking on light braking.

Nealry brand new pads.

It’s painful to the ears.

check to make sure all clips are secure against the caliper bracket. Also any pad clips/shims are not loose and rattling. This is the most common cause of brake squeal. The next being worn pads below indicator. It is also possible that there is dust buildup in a crevice on the pad and causing a squeal.

A packet of that “anti-squeel” goo, or even a small plastic jar of it is a must for disc brakes. Thats the least expensive and usually cures squeeks/squeels. But, also a bad caliper piston (worn/lazy,ect) will do that also. It could also be a slider bolt catching causeing the uneven pad aplication, also noted above. We’re smart here…for the most part.

awesome… thanks for the tips :tup: I’ll have a look at them later

Or you could just drive the damn thing like it was meant to be driven, and wear the pads out before they start to make noise. :slight_smile:

This pad looked like new before Dunnville. Luckily when the backing started becoming the pad it didn’t fuck up my rotor. Put the Hawk HPS’s on this morning.


And it sounds like the caliper needs some lube loving.

Good brake pads squeel :wink:

lol…those hawks on the t/a never shut up.

I’d change that just a little - good brake pads squeal like mad on the street; on the track they’re as quiet as can be!

My Hawk pads dont squeel much at all.

Just got done changing my pads and rotors the other day. One pad was seperated right from the backing, dancing around in the caliper … Good times :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, so after I got back from NC my brakes pretty much stopped squeeking and started grinding and making noise… figured it was time to replace them.

I got the car apart in the garage and took the first side off… the pads, right at the corners of them, have approx a 30-45 degree chamfer cut into them… on both sides of the car. Almost like the caliper was shimmying inside of the hanger/bracket

still trying to get the fucking rotor off… but the old pads actually have a bunch of meat left on them.

any ideas? I’ll post a pic on them in a few mins.


That chamfer is there on many pads. I’d say that there needs to be some anti-squeal put on there. I’d also check those guide pins.

Yeah, that chamfer is there by design. It’s supposed to help with squeal.

My Hawks are squealing a little bit, but only under moderate braking. From doing a bunch of searching online it sounds pretty common with HPS’s. I’m going to pull them apart and put some anti-squeal goo on there when I get a chance. I’ve heard good things about the spray on kind that Autozone is supposed to carry.