squeeky brakes? any fix?

the chamfer is by design.

WD40 will take care of the squeak. Use LOTS of it.

lol at nikuk

Take a piece of board sand paper and stick it to something then take the pad and make figure 8s on it and sand the glaze down. There are hard spots in the material which cause squeals when braking.

Good luck

:word: That will do the trick


the chamfer is by design.

WD40 will take care of the squeak. Use LOTS of it.


HAhaHAha! Then go 85 mph, and hit the brakes really hard just as you catch up to traffic, see if u can set em on fire!!


anyone want to help a poor soul out getting these rotors off?

after hitting it with a BFH for an hour or two last night, my healing arm in hurting like a son of a bitch



anyone want to help a poor soul out getting these rotors off?

after hitting it with a BFH for an hour or two last night, my healing arm in hurting like a son of a bitch


Way too busy to give you a hand, but you’re welcome to borrow this from me if you need it.

Mine is a 2 arm not 3 arm, but it usually works well on rotors. Put some real pull on it, then start smacking it with a hammer. Just be careful if you want to re-use them because that puller can bend them into a U shape.

no shit, I may take you up on that. :tup: I appreciate it

if I still can’t get them off this afternoon… I’ll shoot you a pm

I assume that it works similar to a caliper piston compressor? Just keep turning it as it pulls the rotor away from the hub?

Yeah, you just clip the jaws on the back side of the rotor and use a socket wrench to turn the big screw up against the hub. Of course, this requires that the hub design be one that won’t damage anything when you’re pressing dead center. Don’t know what the 04’s look like.

I bought this thing many years ago, when I had a Geo Tracker. I’ve never seen rotors as frozen in place as those were. I had them bent pretty extremely under pressure from the puller and was slamming them with a little sledge and heating them. When they let go it sounded like a shot gun went off. Never done a set of brakes since that gave me that much trouble. Normally with the puller you just apply a little pressure, give a few hard taps, and they pop right off.

Do the rotors on GTO’s have the holes to thread in a bolt to force the rotor off? Or is that a JDM-only feature?

I’ve never used those holes personally, as my rotors have always easily fallen off, but all my cars have had them for that reason.

awesome jay… I’ll let ya know. thanks again


Do the rotors on GTO’s have the holes to thread in a bolt to force the rotor off? Or is that a JDM-only feature?

I’ve never used those holes personally, as my rotors have always easily fallen off, but all my cars have had them for that reason.


no, but that sounds like a damn good idea

WHEN these finally come off… the new ones are going back on with some grease on the inside. Hopefully never run into this problem on this car again… such a pita

Grease the pads and rotor surface too. It will stop the squeaking. :wink:

lol gotcha :smiley:

heres a tip hammer in between the studs to loosen the rust it will work its work on every rotor i ever taken off. use 5lbs hammer atleast

thanks joe :tup: I got them both loose to the point where I can slide/move it about 2-4 inches off the hub, but then it binds up and wont move anymore.

shit is pissing me off. It’s been up on jackstands for 4 days now. I’ve tried everything and even went to go buy a wheel puller… but I can’t find one that looks like it’ll fit on over the rotor.

this is really starting to piss me off. I’ve never had a car with brakes this stuborn. I’m 10 mins away from kicking the shit out of it

ok so now qw get it out as far as we can we hammer the rotor while pry on it on the other side. its going to come out dont make me come out there

lol, been trying that… shit is frozen once it locks up, doesn’t want to move anymore.

the new rotors have that threaded hole, just wish these junky ones had 'em

lol… man, seriously, if you’re anywhere near williamsville just borrow my puller. I’ll PM you my address. I’m going to be gone most of the day tomorrow, but I’ll check here tomorrow before I leave and if you want it I’ll leave it outside the garage door.

My gf’s shitty 99 neon squeeks all the time. I put it on the lift to check everything, greased the pressure points, checked the shoes and doused the entire inner drum, shoes, springs, etc with brake cleaner. Put the wheels back on satisfied, back off the lift and low and behold they fucking squeeked still. Those cars are impossible to stfu. It is so bad it will wake me up from the front of the house to the back of the house when she stops at the stop sign 200 feet away.


My gf’s shitty 99 neon squeeks all the time. I put it on the lift to check everything, greased the pressure points, checked the shoes and doused the entire inner drum, shoes, springs, etc with brake cleaner. Put the wheels back on satisfied, back off the lift and low and behold they fucking squeeked still. Those cars are impossible to stfu. It is so bad it will wake me up from the front of the house to the back of the house when she stops at the stop sign 200 feet away.


well dont put brake clean on um. brake clean is good for cleaning but it drys out the shoe. there for they will squeak worst. what u need to do is start with the front brakes. sand the pads down then clean the purches out(where the pads sit/where the caliper bolts to). then get a can of stop squeak(made to spray on the back of the pads) spray the back of the pads lube everything. even where the knubs of the pad sit on the purches.(make sure u lube the sliders to). as for the rear clean them real good then use a different type of stop squeak made to be sprayed on the shoes (sand them first also). no brakes should squeak if done properly i put cheap pads on cars all day no problems.