Squid Picture Reference Thread.


haha i may or may not have taken that photo lol

wooooohhhhhooooo Im a squid

No squid here. ATGATT. I don’t mind wearing full gear because I found stuff that is comfortable for me. Although I’m always on the lookout for something that’s protective but a little more social to wear.

Good girl! :thumb

Now lets fine more squid pics.

Evokilla, for the record, that pic was posted in a squid thread, on another forum, by a member across the country.

You’re getting big!

I am a Pretty BIG DEAL!!! So is CFD Photography…I’d like to thank CFD for getting me out there with his brillant pictures…hey atleast I wasn’t in shorts a bra and flip floops

Post the pics of the SMR up on one, evo. :lol

I can’t I had Gear on hahaha

I’m mixed on this. I wear gear 98% of the time. But I have also ridden to fill up in a t-shirt and jeans at lunch time at work. Man you can’t be that scared all the time. I mean, that’s like dressing up in full hockey gear so you can walk down your icy front stairs to get the morning paper in January. Whatever, I figure a squid is somebody that is cocky and rides above their level of skill just so they brag about it. Which i’ve been there with them when they roll up to 100 on a straight then down to 35mph in a 45mph turn. Haha. Eventually you get bored of that and learn there is more to motorcycles than straight line acceleration, not that that isn’t fun either. :slight_smile: After all of that, I still say you should have a good helmet, jacket, gloves, jeans, boots on if you are going for a “ride”.

One should dress for the fall not for the ride.

That driver not paying attention and that oil slick on the road don’t care that you’re just going around the block. Also don’t forget most accidents happen within 2 miles of home, as is the case with every member of my family who was in an accident, never too far.

Also with murphys laws always working, the one day you won’t wear gear is when you go down, and there is no worse feeling than being all scratched up explaining to people “yes I wear gear as you seen, but I just didn’t that one time”

I get it if you NEVER wear gear, I do, it’s your choice
I get it if you ALWAYS wear gear, it’s the smart thing to do
I don’t get it if sometimes you do, other times you don’t. Who are you trying to trick?

i def agree with that…the accident I got in last summer was less than 1/2 from my house when I was just testing the changes i made to my bike. I was just in boots, jeans, and tshirt. I just planned on a 1 mile loop. i got lucky it wasn’t worse then it was.

but i still have gone out on the same sort of mile loop before without jacket and gloves since then lol :facepalm

What a way to ruin nice legs

^ Uh, post pics of her off the bike. Wow… potentially hotty.

Unfortunately she is wearing Affliction…

Or does it say Erection on her shirt? I’d slap her around with my squid like tentacle!

Who gives a shit what’s she wearing. Those come off anyways. Shirt looks good on her.


^^ :rofl Come on joe lol

:rofl SQUID