SR problems

ok so i did a little trouble shooting…
and heres what i cam up with
the car is sluggish under low RPM but after 5000RPM the excelerates like a MOFO. and when i let off the gas it back fires at around the same RPM every time. and it runs really rich under low rpm… so im wondering if it would be a timming issue?
and what would happen if the positive terminal of the battary touched the hood a bit when the hood was closed? could this cause the battary to drain over a 24 hour period?

Is it sluggish in boost, as in you floor it and it goes nowhere? If so you have a leak in your piping or turbo manifold gaskets. Other then that, check and clean your maf, check your O2 sesor.

no i mean its sluggish below 5000RPM then it goes like a MOFO…
but its running way rich when it idles…

rich on idle is a good thing…no power before 5000 is maybe cuz u have a stock exhaust?? check ure timing also…it usually backfires from timing, or boost leaks…also check ure maf wiring

Yup. Over a 30 second period if made really good contact.

Can fry your electronics, and start a fire too.

Happened to us on the highway. The battery terminals were a but high and dug into the insulation. Never really thought anything of it. Hit a bump on the 401, all the gauges went nuts … speedo was dancing around, tach was bouncing.

Pulled over, hello smoke, fried ECU and smoldering insulation.

Good fun.

As for your issue … have you pulled codes from your ECU? My S12 had very similar symptoms, and it turned out the detonation sensor was toast and permanently retarding the timing 10º.

But yeah, it does sound like your timing is retarded.

My NX2000 did this when it’s timing somehow got all wacked out, got it back to the proper setting it it was fine again.

Exactly the same symptoms (and it’s an SR20), felt sluggish, ran rich but once it revved up it felt like it ran fine.

SIGH WOW… ok well i think its a nice rubber insolater for the terminal.
and Im gona try and check the timeing this weekend. BTW it has NO exhaust on it at all.

from what ives seen on the car so far, you should get the exhaust on the car and take it for a good run and get it nice and hot, this will rid the car of any deposits that might have built up while the car was sitting, plus this will also allow you to take it anywhere if there is still a prolbem,


I second putting the exhaust on it.

I don’t know for sure about the SRs, but some motors really really really don’t like having no exhaust.

Hmm … isn’t the SR supposed to have a cat temp sensor?

Would it not being there fool the ECU into thinking it needed to adjust anything?

Sorry, other than seeing valvecover, I’ve never really tinkered with one.

my CA has a temp sensor…

I’m looking at getting a high-flow cat… infact it was already on order but has seemed to dissapear…

Infact I’ve got a light on my dash that “looks” like a cat with heat lines coming off it (it’s not lit up).

cool…you have a light of a cat in your dash?? what is its name…

better hope that light does not come on or i will call the humaine society on ur arse!! be sure to feed it milk and wiskas daily to maintain the cat’s shiny coat… :lol:

cool…you have a light of a cat in your dash?? what is its name…

better hope that light does not come on or i will call the humaine society on ur arse!! be sure to feed it milk and wiskas daily to maintain the cat’s shiny coat… :lol:[/quote]

were you at CSCS in september in the white 240 coupe?