Hey guys, I justed looked at my ownership, I just bought the car Sept15 and i looked at it, and it says CYL 6, Why does it say its a 6 cylinder lol, its a 180sx… Do yours say the same.
someone fucked up when they wrote it up
who did the initial ontario registration
I have no clue man, probably the original owner, everything else is good, well the brand is - NONE… I’m confused lol
brand - NONE is a completely different thing altogether
you WANT it to say that
brand - none = not a salvage / not a rebuilt
Ohhhh Lol, Duh… Well, the 6 cyl is weird…
dunno how you’d get that changed
might have to sign an affidavit or some kind of deposition
you prolly need to go a licensing office that has a commissioner of oaths on hand (which is a lot of them)
Okay, Thanks man, If anyone knows let me know… lol
maybe it came imported with a rb or a vg
you just go to the MTO and ask for it to be changed, they’ll probably charge you $10 for a new ownership print.
Thanks guys…