SR20 Red top build

oh, and lose the system and your interior, itll make you a new man :rofl

I agree i hate systems they ruin your car…But then if you like hearing BOOM BOOM BOOM all the time then hey

like me? idk dont know what you hear first my exhaust or BASS :mwahaha

After many months of no news:

My car went up on the forums to be sold when I had no propane left o heat my place. After many nights of rubbing two wet sticks together and burning newborn kittens of stray cats that wander around my neighborhood I realized it was time to stop worrying about heat and start rebuilding my car. So Deciding to keep it I am in negations with some other fellow members of the board to get my car back up and running. My plans are to overhaul the motor agian (why not is is easier the fifth time compared to the second.) The engine bay is not to my liking either so I will paint the whole thing black while it is out. Do a bottom end rebuild and repalce all gaskets…turbo upgrade in the works but can’t disclose any info now… and get all the add on’s including not limiting too a boost controller, turbo timer, and real BOV. I read many post on the board of everyone having no money and I am in the same spot. I am just glad that people on here can unite together to get builds done on the underground.

why did it blow up. Every SR20 I have seen let go had a dented oil pan that blocks the pickup, depending on how bad it is they can last a couple hours or a couple weeks.

this motor interests me, so i’ll be keeping an eye on this project. i am working on multiple cars with ZERO heat. remember, a nice set of insulated coveralls are your friend. :nod

or J could just rent some garage space from me :slight_smile:

The whole deal with the motor baffles me. I was driving up to college and my cluster was not accurately reporting my temperature. I could smell something going on with the motor and by the time I parked it it was no running the best. I am not exactly sure if my thermostat stuck or what happened. Will no more once it is towed down to the best DIY garage on the forum and is trouble shooted. Question to the board: does anyone have anything to say about Clifton park Engine re builders? I know everyone on the board loves to talk so lets here it??? Any recommendations of motor shops that don’t take made long time to build something.

I’ve usually found that the faster it gets done, the more it costs.

time = money… so that is absolutely true

they effed up a friend of mine’s 331 and made him pay for their mistakes.

and what do you mean ‘not accurately reporting my temperature?’

you mean it overheated?

if you have the $ applied flow technology in clifton park is your ticket. call 'em and ask for mark. :nod

Glad to hear you’re keeping the project and going to keep working on it!

And if you ever need an extra hand, or some parts, feel free to ask!

So boys today I found code blue’s secret garage located in around boston mass or may be we were in maine. All I know I drove west forever. I got it to the garage and will be pulling the motor preferable next sunday. I know a few are going be done to check it out or lend and extra hand. I’ll buy lunch and I guess the girls are descent at the restraunt. Thanks jay for this oppurtunity I just wihs your car was there too

nice update!

sounds like you are enjoying yourself now big time!


i miss my 240, if you need any help let me know my buddy chuck used to be big into 240s…his was insane (were going back 3yrs or so)… Same motor, just completely tweaked. Im sure he’d be glad to help you with any information.

Me and hookedon240 pulled the motor ou in four hours flat…will have pics posted tommorow

Well… as an update, from my wonderful p.o.s cannon camra,

So today we,
-Took off entire exhaust system
-Pulled motor and tranny
-Made a mess

She devil -> what Jeremiah thinks of the car
Fuck sr20-> what i think of the car ;D

Hood off, nothing done yet.

After we took off Harness, intercooler piping, and misc small stuff


Stuff off, and ready for pull

lol forgot to dissconnect throttle cable…oopps