SSmokinn SSlow vs SSlow vs SSlowGTO

nano make sure u run alittle more fuel cause ur not gonna get the pressure drop

hey fools ITS 402 not 408 damn

my jetting is for 1100psi to begin with. Anything under that, the lower the pressure the richer it runs.

john said I was “burning oil” when I was spraying. It was just in fact pig rich.

you need a WBO2 in car brehhhhhhhhhhhhhh

mine was reading 10.0 lol on the wideband…thats rich

my nitrous controller hooks up to a wideband and has a safe shut down when the AFR goes to rich or lean. All I need is a wideband and I can setup that function.

on a empty bottle lol

fucking hilarious how everyone hated on slowgto and now everyone is buddy-buddy.

No, it’s not hilarious at all.

I wasn’t bad against him . Just arguied on dumb shit

Guess I missed that part? Lol

Slow is a tough guy bouncer loser though fwiw :rofl

Yea I hate that slowgto guy.

Was a huge thread adumb

Hey im a prime example of don’t judge s book by its cover lol

Don’t judge a username by his internet warriorness

Don’t judge a twat by its waffle

Don’t judge a turd by it’s burglar.

Size is not the sole criteria of function.

sounds like a personal problem

So come to find out…my air /fuel went to 10.0 cause dumbass me when I put my 100 jets in I never tightened my nos line so it was goin in motor and leaking out the fitting…sweeeeeeeet

fuck you …