Stalling/no start in rain

Ok my buddy has a 96 contour 2.5l duratec

on dry days he can drive it around all day and no problem

on wet rainy days or teh day thereafter he will drive teh car and it would just randomly stall. No stuttering or any kind of sign thats its going to , it just all out stalls. It usually will not start back up, it would just keep cranking, somtimes it will sputter like it is about to start but usually just cranks.

it usually starts right up after a few hours

He has this problem for a while but hes not very mechanically inclined to figure it out. Taking it to a shop is pointless when the problem isnt occuring.

anybody have any ideas what this could be

i can get more info later

“96 contour 2.5l duratec” …

There is the fist problem …

Those cars are also known to have VERY tempermental MAF sensors

any more info of y just in the rain?

Moisture … would be my guess …

Just go ot M&M and grab a few MAF’s … and try them out when it acts up … … and trust me there are PLENTY of those shit motor cars there … you can also use the ones from the towass

^ beat me to it. the reason is that it is a MAF controlled car. i have the same issue. the second the little electronic sensor that hangs in the tube gets moisture on it the reading becomes inaccurate and causes surges in the reading, and the stalling is because the car’s computer is trying to compensate based on an incorrect air value reading. there really isnt a way around it, other than completely waterproofing the area around the filter to avoid water from saturating the filter. with my car, the filter sat so low that when it rained, it would take days to dry out and my car would run like ass for 2-3 days. so i took a few layers of fiberglass window screen material from home depot and meshed out the area from my bumper to the lower radiator crossmember to shield the water from splashing through where the filter sits while still allowing plenty of airflow. the water just kinda drips off the screen and doesnt get through very easy. did the trick for me

i think u may have hit the mark

he has a COLD AIR packaage and the taurus MAF his CAI hangs really low (the filter is def within view under the car when u look under ) and he thought this could have been his problem, so he putthe front cover/or what he calls the splash sheild back on and he said it stopped for a few days but then started back up

this could be his problem

any more ideas, i will get back to u

nope, same issue i had…this should take car of it if he does the screen trick. that or make a pimp ass cheap box around it out of plexi and make a ram air vent with dryer hose from a stock front bumper grille area or something. lol

we were thinking of finding some “breathable” water resistent type of material and make a filter “sock”

what u think?