Starter Wiring F'd?

Why bother crawling under the car? Just fart in the car to get it rolling and pop the clutch.


I can whack it from the top.

where was it purchased? did you buy it or did don? if don bought it its probably under his account at one of the parts places there for he can call get it looked up and warrantied

i think don didnt buy a new one, he had one at the shop already :frowning:

edit: i love don fwiw.

he helped u out so thats cool. what year make and model is this. hitting the solenoid is not going to work forever

1995 civic coupe EX


there going to ask is it a 1.5 or a 1.6


here Adam: part # search

norly, solenoid switch $80 (all have shipping, not in stock)


reman starter for $80+core avail in store

yea no stock price. i did look at advanced site they have one for 75

Cute. :tantrum:

Yeah what I figured. I’ve been dumping money into this DD like it’s going out of business. 2 weeks ago it was timing belt and water pump, last week was a ghetto fabbed exhaust solution, this week it’s the starter needing replacement. Thanks :frowning:

i wish my car could start with that.“fuck i left my lights on” good thing my car winds up

actual links are in there.

you tried to ninja.

but thanks. :slight_smile:

neg., just didn’t wanna be 100% OT in gen auto for fear of getting Fryed


Is it possible that the contact on the solenoid is just worn out? We have copper scrap here at work… maybe I could ghettofab instead of dropping another $100?

yea, sure. worth a shot.

dick. playing cod later?

i have a ton of other stuff to do… so, probably. :tup: