State Trooper Shot On Parkway West

once ur correct

I’m correct a lot of the time, some of you are just more stubborn than I am…

Lovin the ghetto.


I can’t wait to move the shop out of carnegie.

I feel really bad for his family… :frowning:

stand off in south side

two people caught.

why the hell does the dead officers name look so familiar??? :eek:

that is messed up…people like this do need gotten rid of for good

IBsomeoneblamesvideogamesortvviolence :rolleyes:

they should face a state trooper firing squad.

I thought so too, it turns out he pulled me over on 279 over the summer. I believe his family lives in moon.

they should hang them from the exit sign on the parkway.

I am goin to go out on a limb here and say either they had warrents before for something major or a shit load of drugs in the car

very sad…hope that his family gets through it ok, and the criminals are brought to proper justice. If the motorcycle rider got life in jail for killing a P.O. on a high speed pursuit, then I could justify 4 of them getting the death penalty for intentions killing him. Fry those bastards. How the fuck can you kill someone for doing their job? Being an ex-cop and having many friends who are cops(not so much troopers), I bight my nails untill I hear the name everytime…bahhhh, makes me F*cking sick. :madfawk:

they’ll get a life of free food, cable, movies, reading, hoops, and all the anal fucking they would ever want.

we’ve only done 3 executions in teh last 30 years.

i know a bunch of people here that say F the police just cause they are doing their job.

I’ve never really had a problem with a State boy. Usually the local guys are stuck up assholes who think their shit doesnt stink, but I’ve met a couple of State Troopers before both while they were working and off duty and they seem alot more reserved and alot more like “normal” people than regular city cops… It seems like the higher you go, the more cool and normal and understanding the cops are… City? Forget about it! County? Sorta understanding, still tough. State? Really not out to bust your balls for no reason.

I have to disagree at least where I live the local cops are very very nice honestly they let you off the majority of the time barring you weren’t acting like an absolute asshole. It seems the higher you go the more they want to give you a hard time, State Cops on 28 want to make your life miserable I swear.

Cook the bastids! :madfawk: Fry them.

state troopers don’t let you walk cause you know someone. awwwww poor baby


Yeah when I was driving out to work this morning there were cops everywhere. When I was driving home, the ramp was still closed and there were still cop cars flying around. I do not usually like most cops i come in contact with but killing one is defintly not the way to go about it. We need to use the dealth penalty now and more often. We should just kill them now instead of having the tax payers pay the $25000 a year it cost to house them in the state prison system. That is one thing I liked about Texas. I feel sorry for the troopers family.