States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

The hard working people that fall on hard times and cant pull it off are probably sharing the same feelings towards the free loaders as 99 and I.

I agree that the people that need it cant get it and that sucks, alot. Those are the people that keep me from going postal when i see my money go into the gov hands.

Look at it this way. a bomb just went off in your home city. 1000 people are in need of healthcare immediately or will die. 500 of these people are unemployed, homeless, some are drug dealers, gang members, illegal immigrants… nothing good for this world and are not assets to the community. The other 500 are mostly middle class, hard working employees, kids trying hard in school, business owners, rich sob’s… people striving to succeed and are assets to the community.

Now The first 500 I mentioned all don’t have to pay out of pocket for the healthcare and are patched up for free. The second group lets split in half, some can and have insurance the others don’t.

500 people will live but continue the downward spiral of the community, 250 will die and are in the “I am sorry but that’s how it is” group, and 250 will live and struggle more to keep the community a float when they are released from the hospital.