Stealing Catalytic Converters


Sammy Buscarino of Sammy’s Auto said, “I guess it’s like a nationwide epidemic.”
What ‘it’ is, is people stealing catalytic converters from cars to sell for a quick buck.

yeah i saw that on the news last night, pretty fucked up

crackheads can get u anything…They have platinum in $$$…Cats for Crack…I should open a new business

The only criminals in this are the repair shops. This was on the news and the reporter was like “now mrs. so and so is left with an $800 bill to repair the damage.” $800 to replace a fucking cat and maybe a little welding??? And they went on to say how a lot of cats are bolted in, so they can be easily stolen, but a repair shop can weld the bolts for you so it cant be stolen so easily. Right, because im sure the repair shop isnt going to charge an assload to weld the bolts, and then charge you an assload more if you ever need the cat replaced because now they have to deal with welded in bolts.

the crackheads are stealing portable saws-alls and cutting them off

How much platnum is there and how easily can it be removed?
I can’t believe it is worth the effort.

Suppose I should dig out the Cat I ripped of my car and see if I can make a few bucks…

who the fuck do you sell a converter to who’s going to take it apart for the platinum!?

i.e., HOW?

<— is totally heading over to regal with his angle grinder as soon as it’s dark :snky:

“son, what are you doing under there?”

“- looking for a Cat, officer…”

“why do you have THAT?!”

“… he’s really bad…”

friend of mine works with garbage removal. said you can get like $50 for a cat

btw sammy buscarino is the man

If I go catless im blaming crackheads if i fail emissions.

is that why the laserawdturbo guy is always looking for cats?

well platinum grillz > gold ones

orly. :o

lol, i feel sorry for the guy who tries to steal my cat.

“hey, wtf? why can i see so clearly through it? and why does it just look like two heatshield welded together over a pipe? FUCK!”


I hear about this all the time. My customers keep getting GM van converters stolen from him.

:word: the one guy was saying “oh this here job is going to be $1,300 because they sawed it off and it’s a very expensive part.” I’m like WTF?!?!!? I can go and get a high flow cat for about $150 and weld the f’n thing on for less than $50.

score, i really hope someone steal min off my truck, claim insurence and than just get test pipes, gives me a reason to not be so lazy

WTF…high flow cat $60-80 tops. Weld on job for cat 1hr = $70. Total cost = $130 - $150.
I got these converters maaaaan.

lol they can have all the ones i’ve thrown away :stuck_out_tongue:

where do you go to sell them? I got the two cats off my car that are never going back on, so i might as well sell them for some money.