Stealing Catalytic Converters

good thing my car is fucking slammed. it takes some effort just to get a jack under there

my white car, the prev owner paid like $1k or some shit to have bmw put a cat in, and they welded the damn thing in instead of bolting it. so now for my swap, I have to drop the entire exhaust.


instead of starting a new thread I figured I woudl just ask a question, who pays the most nowadays for cats? I think the place on Filmore pays $120-$150 per cat its called metalicsomething or other. Anyone know what Honda Cats go for on average? I have a few I would like to unload.

some guy on here will buy them

I think it was Z24vert IIRC. I have one kicking around too that I need to get rid of.

I guess all the crackheads got done stealing the 3" copper drains in houses and have moved on to this.

I think Metallico or whatever its called on Filmore pays $125 for small domestic and $150 for foreign ones.

Even steel is out of control, I took this from a letter I just received from a metals supplier…

  • Some steel mills are down to about 2 days worth of scrap on hand, and some have had to “no quote” for 48 hour periods as they struggle to understand what their costs and our price might be.
  • Domestic scrap exporters are buying out entire junk yards in Ohio, sight unseen, and sending entire contents over seas. See your local newspaper for proliferation of ads competing for your old junk cars & appliances.
  • Military allotments at many domestic mills are locked in through 2012, with 1st priority on any and all production.
  • Current rate of price increase on ferrous steel is unprecedented in living memory (and we have some really old people who’ve said that!!), I now see price announcements “effective today”, POSCO just announced 21% price increase for this month, in addition to 12-18% increases YTD.
  • All other metals markets like aluminum, stainless, red metals, etc. are under similar, though somewhat less, pressure. One example is alloy surcharge for 316 SS bar which went up $50 CWT from October to today, more increases will follow.

Copper is over $4/lb for the first time as well!!!That 1/4 million of pennies I have sitting next to me are looking better everyday.


I am picking up 5000 rolls of wheat pennies for $4950. That is 250000 pennies with a copper melt value of $6002.38.

Must be pre 1982 though.

one of the reasons high flow cats are so cheap is because they really dont last all that long… especially for NOx reduction.

factory cats typically last more than 100k.


yah metalico gave me like 120 or something for my oem bmw cat, and 30 each for 2 aftermarkets (significantly less platinum)

btw I saw sammy buscarino today and told him he was quoted for that article

This has been a problem for awhile now - They use portable sawzalls to cut these off. I know of dozens of shops and businesses being hit, including our own. If you think they cannot get under your lowered car, think again. They have stolen dozens and dozens of cats at our place, on cars that have no wheels and are sitting on the ground.

  1. FACTORY Cats are $$$ - $500 and up. You cannot compare to an aftermarket “high-flow” cat. These are illegal (technically), and when you are fixing a stock car, you fix it with stock parts. Would you buy a car with a hack job exhaust on it?

  2. After the cat is cut off, you have to replace the corresponding exhaust parts too, including an 02 sensor if they cut it.

  3. Scrap on these things is huge right now - $150+ all day.