steelers vs pats

^ 21 my bad

im soo fuckin happy right now! the steeler came to fucking play! fuck NE. fuck brady! and fuck all you haters that doubted this team! all i have to say is what do you have to say now. when you beat the best team in the league in this fashion you BECOME the best team!

^ amen to that!

woohoooooo great fucking game & sam sucks brad!!!

told ya, no doubt any time in the game that we were gonna win


just was watching sportscenter and I qoute.
“Steelers are playing like they were in the 70’s, Total Domination”
“Philly at Pittsburgh next week to prove there the best playing team in the NFL”

ummm Philly is coming here next week

You forgot one thing… home afc championships. long way to go.

i agree there is an awful long way to go before the steelers can be called the best but that team that showed up last night is that team that can take us to the superbowl.

we had 2 weeks to prepare, they lost their secondary, etc… I agree we kicked ass, but the game next week will really show how good we are. I can’t wait to beat those Philly fag0rts. If we win next week, i’ll jump on the wagon. Until then - Cowher sucks :D:D:D:D:D

agreed…and also. :weak: <– that is for all the fags that hated on burress all this time…no room on the bandwagon for your asses now.

its funny how different QBs like different recievers. maddox liked ward and big ben seems to like plax with teh deep ball which i think is great. the deep ball opens up the running game and also is going to open up the underneath routes!

i cant wait until this coming sunday! 2 of my favorite teams playing but im still going to root for the steelers!

i dont know if i should start this in another thread or here but:

what do we all think of tommy maddox’s return. i know hes not going to be teh starter but do you think he will be a team player and accept his role? do you think he might want to go elsewhere because he believes he has teh ability to start?

i respect jerome bettis taking a pay cut to accept his role as a mentor to the younger guys and to stay with pittsburgh. im hoping tommy will have teh same kind of attitude!

i dont know that ben favors plax…ward still has alot more receptions (which he should, being the #1 reciever and a possesion reciever). but ben hits plax where his strengths are…deep routes and fade routes in the back corner of the end zone. but yeah, i agree w/ your other statements

maybe not favorite but i think he has more faith in plax

plax is still a dumb jiggaboo. i don’t think the differnce in plax’s play is ben but plax now wears gloves. those gloves are soooo sticky! people were right to get on burress, he hasn’t done shit till now.

the bus is the shit, i wanna see more bus!!! he is gonne be sooo fresh for the playoffs he may but out for a 150 yard game.

I’m still curious if Roethlisberger is going to try and push the Rooneys to try and keep Burress around after the season… I figure its a foregone conclusion that Kendrell Bell will NOT be resigned (Larry Foote is playing excellent and James Farrior is playing better than I think anyone imagined he could). So, since there is no big money going to Bell, and with Roethlisberger seeming like he has a nice liking to Burress and uses his tall frame as a security blanket, will the Steelers think about re-signing him, and will Ben push fo rit?

So what your saying is you really dont like Plaxico?

i’ve been hearing (on pre game shows and such) its basically either one or the other between kendrell and plaxi…and as of right now burress is more vauablee to us. so i wouldnt be surprised to see him back…im hoping. but if he goes to another team, i will buy that jersey though…cause he’ll still be my fav player. tied w/ T. Edwards and J. Shockey :kekegay:

if he’s playing better i don’t care if he can’t can’t count to 10.

I hope T.O. tries some of that n***** hot doggin shit vs us. i could see him tryin to rip down the “you’re in STEELER COUNTRY” sign and gettin killed by the fans