Steering wheel puller - anyone loan me one?

As the title says…need it for about 20 friggen minutes.

i have one but in exchange for it you have something i need…

Dont be a wuss, just pull and wiggle like there’s no tomorrow!! :lol:

get someone thats really strong that has parkison’s. it will come off in a jiffy.

I just used a wheel puller from work.

If you want to stop by (50th St just north of the Whitemud), just give me a buzz.

You really don’t want to pull it off. The manual specifically warns against it, and if it’s on as hard as mine was it’ll rip the steering column out by the roots before it comes off!


thats why you hit the steering from side to side till it comes loose then rip it offjust gotta watch you dont smash your face

wiggle your shoulders side to side with arms locked :stuck_out_tongue:

every steering wheel has fallen to this technique


Pulled a gazillion steering wheels and never needed one … and kent’s little sister has bigger arms than me

Hey Dave,
Upon second thought, why don’t you just rip it out with your bare hands?

I swear my life would have been more interesting if I’d just beat the shit out of my car and myself rather than using the right tool. :partyman:

Kinda like asking for directions… :roll:


I bet you also need every page of the instruction manual and your 36 piece tool set to put together a 5 unit coffee table from Ikea.


Nope. Not me. Just put it together with a hammer!



Hey, how about I try everything under the sun to get the steering wheel off BEFORE I ask the club guys to loan me one. :smiley:

Kent, I would gladly give you the master cylinder if I knew that I didn’t need it myself.

You can rent them for free from Canadian Tire.

I picked one up from Princess Auto for $8

I got all you guys beat, I did my full turbo install with a chisel, hammer and a little bit of glue(for sniffing) 8) .


wtf ios a steering wheel puller they make a tool for that…

Yes they do.

cmon every group of friends has one guy that rocks that nickname