Steve's low and slow project

for being 19 and tryin to figure out what i wanna do with the motor…its quite funny cuz all the guys doing pretty much all have bagged trucks

what did u think it was gonna be? FAST???:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead

some of them over there sure are

i knew it wasnt gonna be fast…first time ever going down the track and just wanted to have a little fun last night

isnt that whats its all about???..tell that to some of the clowns on here

No! We all take this very seriously.

Yeah. This is srs bzns.

no seriously were here to have fun…if it wasn’t fun why would we do it??

Because were so serious about it.


blew the clutch line last night… went to shift in to 3rd and kaboom, no clutch

it’s a dealer only item so hopefully one of the stealerships around have one or ill be beating around in the audi for the weekend

you dont need a clutch:clap

Just run a steel brake line to it instead.

shes sitting for the weekend… driving the other s10 around for a few days

No luck at all with this POS.

ehhh havent had ne problems with it since i got it back the last time… almost 2 months ago so i really cant complain

shes back running again…

i need a bumper and valance ASAP… the plastic piece of shit valance finally fell off today with a little help from me…

Keystone has them pretty cheap. Less than $30 if I remember right. My brother bought a few when he wrecked his truck a few times.

Theyre right down New Karner road from the McDonald’s lot.

thanks paul ill give em a call