Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Yah if your in that bad man you gotta get rid of some things

And then once everything is back on track, you can rebuy everything and be a balla again

sell all your shit, starting with the moneybucket car, and get a 500 dollar civic… ride forever :tup:

but im in love with my tv. its the only thing nice that I have, as sad as it sounds, its the only thing that i have that works fine and doesnt fuck up on me all the time. and if i do sell it it would be fore no less than 250 because its mad expensive to buy another one, which i never will if i sell it. You gota unserstand…i have no life.

“Im in debt and cant figure out how to get out of this downward spiral!!”

“But I wont sell my drums or TV”


it doesn’t matter, you can’t get out of debt if you refuse to sacrifice.

id sell the tv before the drums, their nothing great i dont think i can get more than 150 for them, but like i stated earlier, im finally in a band, this is like my dream, and its the only posative thing going in my life right now and the only thing i have to look forward to thats keeping me from having a complete mental breakdown.

that really sucks :tdwon:

how are you gonna get to band practice

and no bands need drummers anymore, all the coolest artists use drum machines

sureshot I think my sister might disagree
Fuck man the guy doesn’t want to sell the couple of things he has that make him happy. Can’t blame him. The main problem seems to be this hoopty of a car you bought. you should be able to patch up those lines temporarily w/ some fuel injection hose and some clamps. Don’t stress the bushings, you can just pick up some complete control arms from the junkyard at a later date. I’ll be mobile again tomorrow. I’m willing to lend you a hand and a couple of bucks to get some hose and clamps if you need it.

One of the greatest joy’s I have found in my life thus so far is riding my motorcycle. I can’t even begin to tell you all the thingsI have seen, only because of riding my bike. Some saturdays I have put over 600 miles on it, just riding around… I can’t even beging to describe what it is like riding, the wind in your face, the freedom of just crusing around. I wouldn’t give it up for ANYTHING, but as with life, there is a time for everything, and now is not the time for EVERYTHING. Priorities take over, and you have to do what becomes necessary, as much as you might despise your choice. My motorcycle is up for sale, and going on Ebay soon because I am NOT GIVING UP RIDING, it just now is NOT the time…

One day I will have a bike again, one day, but not now…

Priorities man, get youself together and dump the TV, life is calling you…

Make the right moves and you will be sporting a 52" plasma soon, just like I will be sporting my $80,000 stretched drag bike in the not to distant future…

Prioroties, see the light at the end of the tunnel, for it might be hard to see now, but never-the-less, it IS THERE!


read and learn from someone three times your age JEG