Stimulus Payment Schedule - check yours

I’ve been living in the US since I was 18 and paying taxes, but because I am a non resident Alien I dont’ qualify I guess? What do you think the odds are they will issue me a check? Even though my social security card requires INS authorization?

I checked my bank account and they gave me $333.I should be receiving $600,the last time I made under $3k was like 5yrs ago.:mad:

Not to mention my SS # ends in 55 so its not even due yet…odd.

stimulus is go!

Just got it

Got mine a few days ago.

I am in the same boat as you. I recieved $300 but my TAXABLE income this year was only like $3,100 so that might be it i guess. But i thought over 3k was $600. Oh well I can’t really complain I mean I haven’t even paid taxes the last 15 months.

Dear GDubaya

Thank you for the present, now will you please make it last longer than one week before being granished by my gas budget.


just got notification in my bank account today of a $600.00 Deposit

thats going to pay off the rest of my fucking credit card.

i’m gonna wipe my ass with it.

responses I’ve gotten on another forum…

It’s an advance on next year’s taxes based on current year earnings. If they underpay you now, they’ll make up the difference next April/May. If they overpay you, you keep it.

Either way you get the money.

Criminy, I hope more people understand this.

You are not getting free money as any sort of BS “market stimulus”. You are getting a forward on your tax return in 2009. The “market stimulus” hype you’re hearing is the government hoping you’ll spend that refund money this year instead of next year.

Let’s say you’re eligible for $600. Let’s also say that next year you also are granted a $1000 tax return. Well, if you cash the $600 check (hell, with our government, maybe even if you tear up the check and burn the remains) then next year your refund will be $1000-600=$400.

I dont believe this is true

not true at all that question has been asked and it is NOT and advance on next years taxes its essentially free money even though we will pay for it in other ways

i was supposed to get mine by friday may 2nd and it wasnt there, when i called the irs the guy told me he couldnt figureout why it wasnt in yet…great

Status checker.

I only got $333 because I didn’t have enough deductions taken out of my taxes.

I got mine this morning/last night

I am gonna venture a guess and say a lot of people will be seeing the same

got mine

This shit is so depressing and fucked up. I’m just going to assume i’ll never get it, considering my number was in the first group and was supposed to be direct deposited. Run the checker and it says “Oh you aren’t a real person.”


have you tried it with 1 exemption?


also got mine this morn.