Stole vehicle from dealership!!!!!


If you have alrealdy reported it to the Authorities, the insurance will cover it. Wait 30 days, collect your money, and there is one more truck you don’t have to sell. :gotme:


Damn that sucks. I mean if you have his address and SS# I would be waiting at his house to beat his ass and get your truck back. Good Luck, keep us posted

werd, it just helps turn inventory a little faster :slight_smile:

Thats why you give the check to the proper person, right away. Get a reciept and be done.

what a dumbass if he left his legit info with you. talk about balls tho.

i’m not so sure he has balls, i think he’s just a dumbass

that sucks…fire the salesman

i’d call police let them deal with it.

if someone is that big of a loser the world deserves to be warned

he just called supposedly he is bringing money in personally right now… we will see

anyone want to come down to wellsville and beat him with airhoses??

and the salesman… well… you all know whats going to happen here

Glad to hear youre getting your $ back

I bet someone accidentally shuffled the check back into the paperwork you gave to him and is trying to cover their ass by blaming him. If that happened to me I wouldn’t come running back to the dealership either. Especially if I lived all the fucking way out in Wellsville.

There are 2 sides to every story, and someone trying to steal a $36k truck after giving up all their personal info just doesn’t make sense.

Take a deep breath and evaluate how good of an idea it is to discuss a potentially sticky legal situation involving over $35,000 dollars on a public forum. :slight_smile:

Ugh get Team Toda on this…apparently he is really good at tracking down stolen autos/parts!

That was my thought. Kid is probably legit. Hell, I know I run a busy schedule, I have shit to do. If someone slipped my check back in to my paperwork and I had to drive an hour back the next day then thats my time and their mistake.


he has already admitted to taking the check out of the paperwork, his excuse was that he wanted to go get a bank check after I already told him we accept personal checks (law covers us if its bad)

I gave him the benfit of the doubt, it just ran out after 3 days of phone calls and no returns until we told him the police were called

Im confused, how did you get all the dmv paperwork/plates on the car if the check was never submitted? I am also a salesmen and people dont/cant get plates until they are finished with finance. Doesnt the dmv need proof on ownership?

Wellsville is 2 hours from the nearest Basil Chevrolet. You’d be a fool to mail a $36,000 dollar check. I’d take my sweet fucking time, and give them a shit storm of trouble if the cops came knocking.