i know who did this heist…i was jw of maybe he did the ASS thing too…or did they catch those guys already?

Nah they got them definitely different people, thanks to some epic KK sleuth work.

Didn’t he post something recently at your forum about turning over a new leaf, scraping the pumpkin seeds out of his dickhole and being humble?

EDIT: yep.

who were the fucks that pulled the ASS shit?

Search on here. This thread is now dedicated to rapehatch being a failboat captain.

Failboat captain? No, this is like him running the fucking shipyard. A forum member “allegedly” stealing another forum members car, that takes the top slot my friend.

quotes there for legality purposes only…

someone should post a reply in that thread, i dont have an account there…

I don’t know what to say other than I hope everything gets straightened out for you, sir.

Hah, if that’s the case, holy bat shitman.

In for details…


bubba gonna fix that ass now.


A little bore and stroke for his cylinder wall?

Its a pretty awesome story with tons of details but to make a long story short…Found out he had parts on his car…Went to his house…Made him pop the hood…Saw said parts that were from the stolen car…Called police…Car was impounded…he went to jail…got bailed out and thats pretty much where the situation sits…

So was the actual car located? Or is this still an on going case, and no talky talky


Fucking scumbag makes me wanna dropkick him in the babymaker and I don’t even know any of the parties involved.


lynch mob ftw…lets get em