Stomach Flu

I know everyone at one point or another here has had it. What do you guys drink,eat, take to help calm your stomach down?

I drink water, eat crackers and sleep as much as possible, usually on the bathroom floor. Oh and wear underwear I don’t mind getting shit on.


I bought Gatorade to replace electrolytes im loosing. and a 2 liter of Ginger Ale to help with nausea.

This shit (literally) sucks

Yea, it’s going around.

Must avoid at all costs.

Water, water and more water.

You will be tired and dehydrated. Start looking up nice and soft toilet seat covers as you will be spending a lot of time in the b-room.

Eat food that’s easily digestible such as certain soups and fruits.

Wash and sterile your hands constantly. Also wash your food well.

Yea, I wash my hands like a boss.

Also use Clorox cleaning wipes for my desk because fuckers like to come in and hack all over the place.

literally just got over this, it’s fucking terrible

the only good news is that it’s over in 24 hours give or take

-Pound beers.

-Pedialyte or similar to get the electrolytes without sugarbombing yourself with Gatorade. Dilute a little bit in your water. Straight from doctor friend. He’s smart.

I hear you man, I’m also a huge fan of Ginger Ale to help settle the stomach.

Had this shit last week before X-Mas and it absolutely sucked. Also was lucky enough to get a sinus infection with my somach bug.

I think the worst part about it for me is being achy

Yea, that and pissing out your ass.

I have the same thing . Been throwing up and shitting all the time . Been drinking ginger ale and gatorade. Slowly getting better since Christmas day .

You’re all crazy. Stomach flu is awesome. I get a day or two off, lose 10 lbs, watch tv all day, reread old Shift threads on the crapper and sleep. Somebody cough in an envelope and mail it to me.

i had it Thursday night and Friday , started at 430 on Thursday . It was terrible and many people in my office had it . Get some gingerale and let it loose its carbonation , no milk either .

I think Im the only one at work that hasnt had it. Gotta suck, esp over the holidays.


That sums it up.

winnnnar. You get used to drinking this stuff anyway with kids in the house :ninja

Never think you can sneak out a fart when you’ve been doing this. Only time Ive ever shit my pants. It was wet…


Ginger tea is better than the soda, stick with fluids as much as you can, eat crackers or dry toast. Eat everything slowly, drink everything slowly. Stay close to the shitter.