Stopping payment on a CC?

I have a feeling it’s going to get ugly when I demand my $1245 back from Kitchenworld. I put it on a credit card.

Tell me what you know about disputing a charge on a CC. How does it work?

When I disputed mine, I called Bank of America, told them the situation and they simply said “We’ll take care of it, you’ll see the charge back to your account within the hour”.

They handled everything, I never had to do a thing except initiate the call.

simple…ignore the harassing phone calls and pretend they dont exist. lol.

Fail. I’m not refusing to pay a credit card bill. I’m cancelling an order with a vendor.

call the phone number on the back of the card ans say “I want to stop payment on a charge on my card, the contractor hasn’t delivered the goods”.

Or, how about “I want to stop payments on a charge on my card, the Thai Twins gave me the herpes. At kitchenworld.”

will KW not return payment… just say return my shit… you have not got the prod. or they have not even started b/c no one has came out yet… if not call ch.4 …:gotme: everyone always tells me that on the phone when i dont do something at work

Yep. I’m going to start by giving them the chance to just refund my money. If they refuse then CC will be the next step.

I’m just about done drafting up a nasty letter, just to make sure that they understand that this is srs bsnsn.

oh oh say you will go to the Aty. Gen… that never works… lol

when did you “buy” dont you have like a 30 day window or something

<~~ i dont know i dont have any CC’s

lol consumer protection board and upstate ny bbb :tup:

Just burn the place down… oh wait… that has already been done.

That should have been your first clue to not shop there.:awdrifter:

Get intouch with the merchant first and attempt to receive a credit from them… If your attempts fail THEN call the Credit Card Company. When it comes to large purchases they will always ask you to attempt to resolve it directly with the merchant first.

Tell them that you would like to dispute a charge and explain the situation to them. More then likely they’ll have to send you something to sign and send back to them so they can proceed with the dispute.

which CC company?


You usually have 30 days from the time you get your statement to do a dispute.
Sometimes CC companies just have you fill the form out and you are all set. Some are pricks about it and give you a hard time.



Capital One.

COPYRIGHT 2005 The Buffalo News

Byline: Michelle Kearns

Sep. 26–Randal Sanderson figures he managed to revive his family’s store and keep his staff of 35 by going into a trance-like state after Kitchen World burned last year in a fire set by a disgruntled employee.

Some workers cried at the smoke and flames. Another gave him a hug. Sanderson started working seven days a week.

“When something like that happens, there isn’t anything to think or analyze. It taps into your instincts. It taps into your heart and your drive,” he said. “It’s just a thing where I didn’t have to think about it. I guess this is what I’m meant to do.”

The arson fire in Lockport, which cost about $4 million in building damage, inventory and sales, led to Sanderson’s gradual epiphany. It came after setting up a makeshift office in a storage shed.

Ten months later, cabinet, counter and refrigerator sales have…

Definitely get the FBI involved.


just call the CC company and tell them you want to dispute a charge.

anything beyond that point, the business will have to prove to the CC company that you owe them through proof of delivery.

afterall capital one is supposed to be “no hassles”

as long as you have a credible story as to why they didn’t live up to their end of the contract than capitol one should back you up… they’ll probably want to know what you’ve tried to do to resolve this. whatever you do, don’t mention anything about the chargeback to the the store until you’ve already done it.

Well that’s nice. The store made good on their end. No need to dispute the charge. :tup:

Oh, I’m glad I read your last post, was about to spend a lot of time typing up the laundry list of things you’ll have to do considering the card was through CRAP One.

Anyways, if you are ever going to send a nasty letter, always have it notarized. Even though it doesn’t mean anything to do so, the idiots receiving your letter probably won’t know that. It adds a taste of legitimacy.